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- With Izumi Misuki : His POV -

Everything was a total mess, I couldn't understand why I couldn't trust Riku with whatever he was planning to do.

Of course we stay alert with him but not the the extent that we can't our center with his own business.

It was too late to take back my conversation with Yamato-san. I'll have to go along with it.

Bam. Bam. Clink! Bam.

What was that-

"Mitsu? Tadaima!"

Ah, it was Yamato-san ... He's surprisingly loud.

Story POV :

He got up from his and went to greet him.

Glancing around to see where the leader was, the voice boomed through the hallway, "Hey Mitsu- Ah, there you are!"

"Hey Yamato-san! You came a earlier than expected."

"So, Mitsu. What was the commotion all about? I had to rush out to meet you here."

Mitsuki wasn't actually paying attention to Yamato at that moment, he was fidgeting a lot. His mind was fiddled with how to explain everything to the elder male.

" ... Come on, let's go to your room." The forest green idol dragged the orange haired boy by his arm.

"A-ah! Yamato-san! Let me just collect my thoughts, even this makes me want to doubt myself."

Yamato and Mitsuki enter the bundled-up area, though the taller one seemed to notice the scattered papers all around.

"Jeez, it's this bad?" an accentuated, frightening expression came over Yamato.

"Shut up. It's something you'd want to pay attention to ..."

They both knew what to do and proceeded to push the piles of paper away. His eyes faltered after picking up the notebook that he had taken out.

"This will be hard to explain to you, Yamato-san. I don't want to believe it either ..."

"Get to the point, Mitsu. I'm not going to know anything if you're just going to drag this on. Please tell me."

Mitsuki turned away, tears forming at the surface of his lower lids.

Composing himself from delaying anything else, he opened his book and slid it towards Yamato.

"Listen. Right now, I believe that Riku might be getting himself involved with something dangerous."

"Come again, Mitsu? I didn't hear you properly."

The high-branded glasses specially designed for Yamato had slipped off his face, and he had to shield himself from the shock.

"I'm not repeating myself. He was on a call with someone and-"

"Ehem. If he was just calling someone, there's notjing wrong about that? This is a waste of time."

"Hear me out." the usual happy-go-lucky person glared at the male putting his glasses back on, "At the end of the call, he specifically mentions 'ABOUT SOMETHING IMPORTANT ' under his breath. Plus, he sounded so serious while saying that."

"It could be about business collaboration opportunities for us?" the leader had ushered that possibility onto the panicking boy.
"They sounded to familiar though."

"Then relatives or a friend of his. Mitsu, even though he has asthma, at least give him freedom to hang out with people he knows."


All the elder male could see was darkness, the shadow of the angered teammate of his had look down at him after standing up so suddenly.

"We still need to keep on eye on him, who know what his person could do? We don't even know them."

"Riku is smart enough to know what is bad or good for him, and I've put my faith in him. You should too. As long as there's no definite proof of this, I won't agree with this."

Gripping his hair in frustration, the overly-excited emcee had fallen into silence.

His orbs flamed with regret and dissatisfaction.

"I'll prove it to you, Yamato-san. I hate to do this but I'll even follow them, please understand what I mean. It's all for Riku's safety, he's the core of this group. Everyone know that."

"I assure you, it's nothing serious." Yamato stood up to place his hands atop of Mitsuki's shoulders, "Please do not go out of you way to get involved with our center's own business."

"..." he lifted his gaze into the other man's burning emerald irises, "I'm not too sure anout that ..."

"Mitsu ..."

"Look! I'm too worried, okay? He's my kohai, I feel like I'm neglecting something so important!"

The world was crumbling around him. He borke down into a shiver.

"There's no such thing as that, you are Izumi Mitsuki. Sometimes you just need to fully trust me, your senpai. I'm someone that people confide in."

"Thank you ... Thank you so much." he wiped of his shedding tear leaking out of his eyes, "But please. Please just let me try and protect Riku just once. I know where they'll meet, I'll stay hidden, I promise you. You should trust me also."

He had looked at Mitsuki with a painful feeling, his face conveyed a lot. Wanting to listen to their promise and wanting to stick to what you declared, especially when it's these types of situations, is truly the worst.

"I do trust you, I really do." his gaze shifted away from the person in front of him, taking his hands back and resting one onto his neck, "However, never interfere at ANY costs. Even if Riku seems to be in danger, do not do anything."


Just then, Yamato sounded psychotic to Mitsuki, "What do you even mean?! Of course I would, no way-"

"Stop. Just stop. If you get caught, you'll just cause trouble for you and Riku. That's already hard enough with one of our members, especially the main attraction."

"Ah ... That makes sense. Wait, you're giving me permission?!"

"Well, there isn't definite proof for me to dismiss the matter either so this benefits for us. Let's not tell manager, she's already busy enough."

"Thank you Yamato-san, I appreciate it." his iconic smile surely returned to where it belongs.

"Mhm, now you should eat with onii-san! I'm totally hungry, plus we can drink with each other also!"

"Hai hai! Let's go!!"


Notes :

Hello! Sorry for the delayed post, I accidentally deleted the progress for this chapter so I'm sorry if this is too rigid or quick! lolol ☆

How are you all? Please stay healthy and happy, way better than what I'm feeling hopefully ! Even though I said I'll post weekly, I never manage to stick to it, I'll try my hardest to provide good quality works for you all ♡

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