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Warning / CW : slight swearing and ptsd mentioned.


Welcome to the introduction of the 'Hope Restoration'

"You'll need more to burn life itself to rewrite the world's paradise."

"And that somewhat requires my help? Whenever I have a tiny ounce of hope, there is most definitely despair that awaits to devour it."

Yaotome Sousuke's lip started to pull into that wicked, deceptive smirk, one that Harumi will never get used to and sent shivers up his spine when he saw it. The way his mouth would slowly move upward, making lines visible in his cheeks.

"Tch. For someone who has yet to contribute in the conversation, you sure are fucking cocky, old man." his arms cross each other, Harumi's head tilted up to indicate what positions they were in right now.

The grey-haired male shot a look at me, "Hah. You're rather loud for someone who got disowned though, Minamoto. Are seventeen-year-olds like this nowadays, how disappointing."

"Now now, there's no need to fight, you two." Suzuki opened his arms out to simmer down the quarrel, "Harumi-chan, we can discuss other things later when the meeting ends."

"What's the point of that? Just hurry up."

"Hm, there is a reason for that. Anyways, Harumi-chan and his older brother only know about this from the children I've created. To prevent the untimely demise when we need him, I have to ask Khe Seiji-kun to leave."

"What? Then why the hell was I called here?"

"You overheard the occurrence of this meeting and you insisted to come, I didn't invite you but I let you follow me. Go on kid, before you end up useless."

"Gh ..." Seiji's eyes twitched in bewilderment, his father suddenly switched his act with him, "Fine. I bless the families with the spoken Neverland's promise."

Smiling as if nothing happened, "Back to you. Mr Len, please escort Seiji."

His personal assistant abided by the order, "Let us go, my liege."

As they both left the room, that's when the atmosphere went dull and serious, "Now down to business."

"Finally, it's already been twenty minutes." the CEO of Yaotome Productions was already getting sick of how long it's taking to get to the point.

Getting out of his seat, Suzuki switched on the display board to a powerpoint of this project. It showed a page that said : "The Hope Restoration Project".

"As you may know, successfully completing this risky project will result in a human that's god-like. It's someone who will guide the user to victory, that's what we initially planned it to be but ..."

"But what Khe Suzuki, we're putting a lot of funds into this." Soushi gritted his teeth in confusion, wanting the main point to be revealed already.

"I'm getting there, be patient." the opal-locked man threw the board pen towards the other, which managed to graze his cheek, "The problem is that there are major complications in the procedure, and may kill Harumi in the process."

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Harumi was exasperated after hearing that. He had expected that he would definitely get injured but definitely not that he'd face the thin line that crosses over to death.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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