Chapter 2

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Sugawara's Pov:

"W-what... a-autism?"

My heart almost stopped, I knew my co-worker was probably right. She rubbed my shoulder and I put my hand over my mouth. I looked back at Yuna and she was staring at me through the window. She had a toy in her hand and I sighed.

"Well she has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I guess we'll figure out tomorrow."

We smiled at me, and I held back my tears. I calmed down not wanting my smell to disrupt the kids. I started to wipe the tables down. I pulled the toys out and kids started to play with them. I smiled at the kids and Yuna was staring at me. I noticed she started to cry and I brought her to the toys. She took toys and went back to her corner.

I sighed and I saw one of the kids crawl to her. I put on a movie for them and she payed no attention. My co-worker brought in breakfast for them. She set up the table and I put the kids at the table. Some of them cooed and whined.

After my volunteering I sighed putting Yuna in the car seat. I kissed her forehead, I got in the car and I got a call.


"B-babe could you pick me up..."

"Why what happened?"

"A truck, it hit my car, and I'm to sore to walk home..."


"Calm down babe, I'm fine I wasn't in it."

"What happened?"

"When I was training in truck hit the car trying to turn out it wasn't just mine though."

I sighed and started to pull out the drive through.

"Okay babe, where are you?"

He told me where he was and I hung up. She cooed and I looked at her from the rear mirror.

"What's wrong princess..."

She ignored me and I started to drive off. When we picked up Daichi I kissed his nose. He chuckled at me and looked back at Yuna who was staring at the floor. I tried to smile, but tears came instead.

"Koshi what's wrong..."

"My- my co-worker said that Yuna could have autism..."

I sobbed, Yuna started to cry after me. She seemed to be easily effected to Daichi's and I's pheromones so we had to be careful with them.

"Oh, sorry sorry..."

Daichi sighed and released a relaxing smell. We both stopped crying and I giggled. Yuna sniffed and stared back at the floor.

"Welp, I see where she gets that from."

"Shut up, babe."

I said giggling, he lifted my chin and gave me a kiss. He broke the kiss and lifted an eyebrow.

"I'm sure whatever is wrong with Yuna, we'll deal with."

"Your right, crap what about the car!"

"I don't know, but I the company's going to be calling me."

"Damn right, I just got a new bumper sticker on it."

Daichu chuckled and I rolled my eyes. I started driving home, once we got to the house. I picked up Yuna, and she looked at Daichi. I gave her to Daichi and she fell asleep in his arms. I awed and opened the door. I walked in and held the door for Daichi. He went into the nursery and I decided to get dinner started. He came out and gave me a waist hug.

"Eww you smell like sweat!"

"Sorry sorry."

"Gah! Go take a shower!"

"Okay okay but do you feel better?"

"Yeah... a little I'm still worried..."

"I know, I'm worried to but that doesn't stop us from loving our little girl right?"

"Of course... NOW GO TAKE A SHOWER!!"

"Alright I'm going."

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