Chapter 19

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Sugawara's Pov:

I walked all the way to Daichi's parent's house while carrying Yuna. She didn't babbling and she didn't coo. When I got there I knocked on the door. Daichi's mom answered and I smiled.


"Ah Koshi how are you feeling?"


"That's good. And how's my little grandbaby." She said, I handed Yuna to her and smiled.

"Oh she's doing awesome, she said her first word yesterday."

"That's amazing, here come inside."

I walked inside and put Yuna on the couch. I put her bag down and talked to Daichi's mom for a little. When I left it was 11:28. I walked back home and cleaned the house up. Then I heard a knock on my door. I opened and saw Tooru and he was holding a baby.

"Koshi! God I thought you died."

"Hello to you to Tooru."

"Look! Me and Iwa- I mean Hajime adopted a baby. His name is Mieko."

He handed me the baby and I awed. Hr didn't look like Tooru or Hajime at all. He had green eyes, jet black hair, and freckles.

"He's 3 months old."

"He's adorable, when did you get him."

"2 weeks ago, I wanted to post it to the public but Hajime insisted that I didn't."

I giggled and welcomed him in. He sat on the couch and I gave him back Mieko. He talked about the adoption and how he was scared at first.

"So you gonna put your kid in volleyball?"

"Jeez probably not, she'll probably forget she's playing and get hit my a ball."

"Eh- true"

"Are you?"

"I'm definitely going try!"

"And if he doesn't want to?"

"It doesn't matter as long as he looks good doing it."

I chuckled and Mieko sneezed. He yawned and looked up at Tooru. His emerald, green eyes were so beautiful. He put his mouth in his hands and turned over in Tooru's arms.

"Speaking of your kid where is she?"

"She's with Daichi's parent's for the week."

"Oooooo is it heat week?"

"Yes but no I just woke up from a coma gimme a while."

"Yeah whatever."

"How's Hajime?"

"He's been different ever since we brought Mieko home, like claiming my scent alot often."

"Daichi did the same thing when Yuna was born."

"So it's alpha thing?"

"I guess so?"

"So what about your wedding."

"Oh... I got forgot about that..."

"Tooru how do you forget you're getting married?"

"I don't knoww~~"

"Have you guys even set the date?"


"Gosh y'all are hopeless.",

"How rude-"

We kept talking until Mieko started crying. He left and I waved goodbye. It was 3:19 now and Daichi was going to be home in two hours. I decided to get take out when he gets here. My thoughts got interrupted when I felt a wave of heat upon me. I struggled getting to the bathroom and took another supplement. My phone went off and I got it.


Daichi: Sorry baby I'm getting off work a little later

Sugawara: When?

Daichi: 6 or 7

Sugawara: Alright then I'll see you when you get home ❤

Daichi: okay baby love you ❤

Sugawara: Love you too🥺❤

I put my phone down and grabbed my laptop. I made myself a glass of lemonade and got some chips. I started to bingwatching Kakegurui until I heard a knock at the door. I got up and saw Atsumu at the door.

"Ah Atsumu hello."

"Koshi I'm glad you're alive."

"Same, I don't know what I would've done if I was dead."

I said giggling. He rolled his eyes walked in. He looked around and looked back at me.

"Where's Yuna?"

"She's with Daichi's mom."

"Ooooo is it-"

"Yes... but it's not like that."

"Whatever you say anyways I feel all sticky, omi omi sprayed me with extra lysol today."

"Surprised you can breathe."


He stretched his arms and he sniffed around. I giggled and closed the door.

"I just had to make sure."

"Anyways how has Sakusa been?"

"He's been fine, he's just been acting a little strange but other than that he's been normal."


"Yeah like he's been cuddling with me more."

"Truly shocked."

"Yeah yeah anyways did Tooru come by yet? He told me he adopted a baby."

"He did, you just missed him. The baby was so cute. You know it had black curly hair just like Sakusa's."

"You say that whenever you see a black curly haired baby."

"Well you should go over to Tooru's house and see him. I'll just be here."

"Oh alright, I call you tonight though-"

"Bye Atsumu."

I smiled and closed the door as he walked out. I sighed and went back to my computer. I continued to watch Kakegurui until Daichi came home. He had sushi with him and I licked my lips.

"Mmmmh sushi."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"I'm going to sleep early I'm pretty tired."

"Awww alright."

"I'm sorry baby."

I took out the food and he went into the bathroom. I realized that I didn't air out the bathroom and my smell was probably still lingering in there. I heard a grunt then a sigh, then the shower started to run. I ate my sushi while watching Kakegurui. Daichi was already out of the shower, when I finished. I change into my pj's and cuddled beside him.

"Are you not sleep yet."

"Nope, your smell definitely woke me up."

"Aghh I'm sorrryyyyy."

"Its okay."

Daichi said giving me a warm smile. I hesitantly moved in close to him. I laid on his chest and he put his hands on my waist. I felt his body warmth close to me and I started to purr. I wanted to give me a kiss but it was best if I didn't.

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