Chapter 31

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Sugawara's Pov:

"We didn't even introduce ourselves. I'm Koshi, and this Daichi."

Haru waved at us and Ren hesitated to say something. Daichi sat back in his chair.

"Tell us about you and your brother." I said.

"Well my favorite color is purple and umm Haru he likes paw patrol."

She kept talking about what she and Haru liked. Haru got up from his seat and walked up to me. He smelled me and sat on my lap. I blushed and Daichi snickered at me.

"H-haru! Get down!" He didn't listen to Ren and got more comfortable in my lap. I smiled and waved it off. She continued talking, Daichi and I listened. Before we knew it our time was over. Haru was sleep and Ren sighed. The front desk lady picked up Haru and led us outside. We said our goodbyes and I smiled. Daichi gave me a kiss and I squealed in excitement.

"Well she said she likes games maybe we should get her game consoles!"

"I think we should visit Kenma..."

"Ehh- but Kenma's so far away can we visit him tomorrow."

"Let's just pick up Yuna and take a nap."

Daichi drove to my mother's house. We knocked on the door and my mother opened it. She smiled and Yuna was sleeping on the couch. Daichi picked her up and we said 'thank you' and 'goodbye' to my mother. He put her in her car seat and Daichi drove home.

When we got home I changed Yuna's pull-up. I put her down and she grabbed onto my shirt.

"Hm Yuna what's wrong."

She yawned and I picked her up. I tucked her in bed and she fell asleep quickly. I kissed her forehead and walked to our bedroom. Ughh I'm getting so old. Daichi came in the room and smiled at me. I smiled back and grabbed my laptop. I started looking up paw patrol and gaming setups.

"Koshi you've barely slept all week. Cmon even Yuna's tired."


"We have 3 weeks, you don't need to do that now. We've been decorating, and moving boxes, not to mention all the quickies we had because of your horny ass."

"S-shut up that's your fault for looking hot." I said closing my laptop. I yawned and covered my mouth.

"See you're tired."

"I'm not, I'm just getting old."

"You're 26."

"Agh I'ma senior."

"Koshi you're not old."

"I'm older than you~"

"Yeah but you're not old."


"But nothing go to sleep."


When I woke up I was cuddled up to Daichi. He was still sleeping and I yawned. I felt Yuna between the both of us and I giggled. Yuna and Daichi we're still sleeping so I moved slowly and slightly. I stretched and used the bathroom. I checked the time seeing it was 3 in the morning. I grabbed my laptop and continued looking up what I was looking up before.

"Koshi go to sleep."

"Ehh- did I wake you up?"


"Sorry sorry I woke up like an hour ago..."

"Go back to sleep."

"I can't."

Daichi sat up carefully not to wake Yuna and closed the laptop. I scoffed and he grabbed onto my waist. Yuna shifted her position so Daichi pulled me closer to him. Yuna laid on my shoulder.

I couldn't fall asleep and I was just laying there. About 30 minutes later Yuna woke up. She climbed off the bed. I couldn't leave from Daichi grasp. Yuna looked backed at me confused. She then walked backed to me and sat directly in front of me.

"I'm sorry princess, your daddy won't let me get up."

Daichi whispered something in my ear and let me go. I blushed and punched him. He got up and stretched. I picked up Yuna and gave her a bath. I was still blushing from what Daichi said.

"Now you're all clean princess."

She didn't respond to me and I dried her off. I got her dressed and picked up Yuna. I put her on the couch. I gave her a cup of applesauce. I quickly got dressed myself and Daichi waited for me. He wiped her face and threw away the plastic spoon and cup. I put her in her car seat and Daichi drove to her daycare. Then he drove us to work.

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