Chapter 6

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Alright, Sam. Time to see how this goes. The blue hair boy started to open his music and listen to the song he had created. Not bad, needs improvement though. He put the music and made a remix, by accident attracted his father coming in his room.

"Son, what are you doing?" He asked as he come closer to his son. Sam got surprised by his father's presence and decided to just be honest.

"Just making a song, still feel like it's missing though." He said and tuned the song he did. His father chuckled.

"I see, carry on then. I have some work to do in the office. If you need anything, I'll be there." He said and was about to leave.

"Father, wait. I need to ask you something." Sam asked as he grab hold on his father's sleeves. His father turned around to his son. He looked so much like his mother.

"Yes, son?" He asked, lower down so he can see him eye to eye level. Sam breath out before speaking to his father.

"I have a few questions. First of all, how did Michelle's dad know you? Second, do you really think Michelle and beat my mother in the most honest way? Lastly... Can Michelle forgive me after all of this craziness and madness that we created just to test her ability?" He asked worriedly. His father gave him a gentle smile and told him to sit down. Sam sat on the floor.

"To answer those questions one by one. First, her father was an old friend of mine. We weren't in the best of terms since a certain someone made an assumption about me and made her father to think they were right. Second, I'm sure Michelle will defeat your mother. I've seen her abilities and she proves that she has what it takes. The last question, I have a feeling Michelle will forgive you no matter what, son. You are her friend, no?" He explained. Sam nod.

"Thanks, father. I appreciate it." He said, but Ryan knew his son wasn't satisfied yet.

"I tell you what, Sam? Why don't you go see Will and explain to him. He's your best friend." He suggested. Sam nod and smiled at his father. He may looked evil but his heart is pure.

"Very well, father. I'll see you then." He said and left the room. His father listen to the last music Sam had made before smiling and left to his office for work.

Please don't take my sunshine away.

Sam rushed towards his friend's house, Will. He arrived shortly on his skateboard and knocked on the door. Will came out and smiled happily to see his best friend again.

"Hey, buddy. Glad to see you. But..." He stopped. Sam looked at him in wonder.

"But?" Will chuckled awkwardly as he show his girlfriend, Julia and her friend Lilith.

"Why are they here?" Sam asked curiously. Lilith sighed.

"Will told me that he needs help with his tech so I'm here. Julia is Will's girlfriend so you get my point." Lilith said professionally. Sam nod.

"I see." He simply said. Will hugged his best friend caring.

"Come in, don't want you to get soak in rain." He said and they both went inside.

"So, why are you here?" Will asked. Sam breath in and out heavily, and Lilith conclude that he's having a problem.

"You know my situation, Will." He said. Will understood. He told Sam to go to his room so he can relax. Lilith and Julia were curious.

"What is it, babe?" Julia asked worriedly as she got closer to her lover. Will sighed.

"Here's the thing, it's Sam personal problem and only I know about it. You guys can't know until the time comes."  He explained, trying not to reveal more than he already did. Luckily the girls understand.

"Ok then. We should go back to Michelle. Take care of Sam for us and her, Will." Lilith said and waited for Julia at the front door. Julia kissed Will before waving him goodbye.

Will smiled at his girlfriend, and went towards Sam who already asleep. He sighed and decided to leave him alone. He had a rough day and as his best friend, even he sometimes need to leave his friend in his own business. A wise person said, and Will will never forget it.

He who holds the blade must handle the fight.

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