Chapter 4

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Michelle, it's time. Time to do this. Michelle got off from her bed, and waited for the car who will bring her to the first challenger. She knew she has to do this in order to protect everyone. The car had arrived just like the message said.

"Miss Michelle Fairchild, are you prepared?" The driver asked. Michelle nod.

"Yes. I am." She walked inside and got herself comfy. There was food on the table inside the car, saying that it's her breakfast for today. She hesitate at first but the driver was nice enough to say that the food won't make her sleepy, even proof itself by eating some of her portion. She finished her food and looked outside of the window. Huh, the building isn't that bad. It's pretty damn rich.

"That guy must be rich huh." She got off the car and walked inside. There was a women standing there, and she recognized her immediately.

Miss Bella Lima.

She was a liar and a copycat. She can't even use a pencil. Why is she her new challenger? She walked next to the woman and look up to see a screen of the man. He smirked.

"Well, you finally arrived, Michelle. I can't wait to see your newest designs. Bella, you may start with yours first." The man said. Bella nod smirking as she took the clothes and placed it on a modal. The dress was white with sparkles, knee length and sleeveless. There wasn't much instead of a design of unicorn patterns. Pretty, of from copy Michelle wasn't sure.

"Very nice, Bella. Now the judges are over there." Three people looked at the clothes, whispered and write down something on their paper. Bella smirked and teased Michelle before walking away. Michelle took out her clothes to see rips on it. She didn't cry, no she knew this would happen.

"Someone already hijacked me. Looks like I have to fix it." She said and starting to sew things up. The judges were surprised to see Michelle in action, sewing with such grace and speed. Soon, she was done.

"Here's my designs, sir." She said and showed it off. A beautiful midnight dress, starry pattern and swans as an enchanted animal. It has over sleeves and was knee length. There's also a simple light and translucent cape as a royalty to enchanted theme. It's amazing, the judges wrote down their marks. The man smirked.

"Impressive, Michelle. Now, judges. Who won this round?" He asked, the three people showed their answers.

Michelle Fairchild.

"The dress really speak out from everything we thought off, Michelle it's an amazing design. We've never thought it'll be possible." One of them said. The others agrees. The man smirked and chuckled at Michelle gleefully.

"Congratulations, Michelle. That's round one. Two more rounds to go. Bella, you shall be leaving now, guards." Two guards came in and took Bella away. Michelle was shocked.

"Is that gonna happen to me?!" She asked. The man smiled.

"If you loose that is. See you in the second round in three more days, Michelle." He said and end the camera. Michelle get inside the car and went towards her home, where her father was waiting for her.

"Michelle, how did it go?" He asked. Michelle nod.

"It went well. Julia?" She asked as she saw her sister eating a sandwich. Julia smiled at her sister's arrival.

"Michelle, you're back!" She rushed and hugged her tightly. Michelle hugged her back, caressing it gently.

"Did you win?" Julia asked. Michelle nod.

"Yeah, against Bella Lima. I don't know why though." She said. Julia nod.

"I see. There's more coming right?" She asked. Michelle sighed.

"Yeah. Two more rounds. And I have three days to prepare for the next. I wonder what theme would it be..." She asked and looked at the window outside.

Sam looked at his family photo and sighed, placing it back on his table and looked at his father's work. He checked the content his father had sent him to see and saw a report about Michelle's newest dress and victory. He smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry, Michelle. It's for her." He said and kissed the picture of Michelle before went to the dining room where his father is there waiting for him.

"Son, how's the report I sent you to check?" He asked. Sam nod.

"I'm sure she would win, father." He said and ate his food. His father smiled.

"Son, wanna pay a visit to her again?" He asked, getting up from his seat. Sam nod.

"Yes father. Please, can we go there tomorrow?" He asked. His father smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Of course son. Tomorrow it is."

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