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"OUR!!! BOY!!! PREM!!"

The loud cheering of the crowd inside the gymnasium is deafening, everyone cheering for their favorite player.

Here stands Earth at the side of the court, he's one of the cheerleaders of UWM University, cheering for his school's team.

He's both flexible and good at dancing, discovered his talent and found passion in it when he was a kid, which made him decide to join the cheerleading squad even though he took a very challenging and busy program for college.

This was where he met his long time crush now, Kao Noppakao. UWMU basketball team's Point Guard. In Earth's eyes, he's perfect. Tall, handsome.. and...and...to be honest, that's everything he knows about the guy for now, but who cares? He likes him and he doesn't have any plan to stop. He's not harming anyone anyway.

The game ends and the score is 79-63. UWMUBT won as expected. No team can defeat them.

Earth changes his clothes to his uniform and is walking towards his room with his friends for their next class.

"P'Kao did great!" Fluke comments.

"Of course, that's my man!" Earth proudly says which makes his friend, Sammy shrugs her shoulder while looking weirdly at him.

They all enter the room and sits on their respective seats when Mix, their classmate taps him on his shoulder.

"Hey, Earth, Mrs. Panhan has been looking for you."

Earth's brows furrow. Why would a film professor look for me? He asks himself.

He walks from Architecture Building to Film Building and searches for the said professor.

"Oh, Earth Katsamonnat, right? Architecture?" Mrs. Panhan offers Earth the chair in front of his table.

"Uhm, yes... Is there something you want me to do?" Earth smiles a bit before sitting.

"Let me get straight to the point" The professor takes a deep breath before speaking "There are lots of new universities coming out these days around the city, the head thinks we should make promotions for our university. We've seen the story you wrote on one website, which had a million reads, we liked it so, I want you to write a story for our school, any kind of story or genre is okay, as long as you get to promote UWMU, did you get me?"

Earth goes silent for some second while processing what he has heard, before nodding slowly, "Oh.. this is flattering, Ms., I'll.... try my best to create a good plot."

Earth leaves the room, smiling wide. He doesn't know he'd get an opportunity like this, and while the professor was talking with him about it, he already had a plot on his mind.

The story of me and P'Kao.

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