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Nothing much has changed since the two become a couple. Earth has become busy with his paperwork, cheerleading, and film recording while Kao, busy training as they have a big match with another school soon. Despite that, both still find time to eat lunch together as if they cannot live without seeing each other and even eat without one another.

"Make it like you're leaning towards each other but don't, just stop when you're too close okay?"

They are now in the theatre, New, directing the kissing scene of the two actors.

Earth suddenly thinks of Kao, who might feel hungry for playing all day. He decides to sneak out of the filming place, heading to the cooking club room.

"Flukieeee, pleaseeeeee," Earth begs Fluke, who is currently on a break from a meeting with his co-club members.

"Earth, Making a sandwich is just so simple. And also, P'Kao would appreciate it more if it was you who did it, whatever the result may be."

"If it's simple, then you wouldn't even see my face here!! Pleaseee, I'm begging you... You know I can't even cook noodles you've been saying is easy to do!" Earth pouts while shaking his friend's arm, trying hard to convince him.

In the end, with persistence along with cutesy expressions, he was able to make Fluke say yes and prepared a chicken sandwich. Fluke packed it before giving it to Earth. It's proven, no one can say no to Earth when he starts acting cute.

Earth then excitedly bounds his way to the gym, heading to where Kao is. This is the first time he'll be visiting his boyfriend in his practice.

He goes to the court, and see no one there.

Maybe they're on a break. Earth tells himself, 

Should I go to their locker room?... Hmm... I'll just give this to him and leave...

With that, he walks his way to the team's locker room, with the plastic container in his hand.

He's just about to enter the room when he hears the boys talking, alongside locker door sounds.

"Told you guys, that was just easy" Kao snickers.

"I never even doubted you, I mean it's you, Kao" - Boun

"Pity the man though, he's dead serious with this not knowing you're just messing with him" - Yacht

What are they talking about? Who is Kao messing with?

"I don't care anyway, he can be serious as hell as he wants, I just want to have fun"

Is it perhaps, me? Earth expression changes.

"How long are you going to do this, though?" Boun asks

"As long as I enjoy doing it?" Kao

"You sure is going to hell, man" Bosston

"Well, it's where I'm good at" - Kao

Earth hears them all laugh, and it makes him feel worse.

".....Is this Earth?" A new voice, Ohm comes into the scene.

Before someone replies, Earth chooses not to listen and walk out instead, but when he turns around, he bumps into Prem, who looks into him worriedly after seeing his expression.

"Hey P'Earth, What's wrong? Are you here for P'Kao?"

"No. Please don't tell him I was here. Thanks"

Earth hurriedly leaves the place, as he can feel his eyes getting heavy.

This is not in my story, this is not happening..... He keeps on telling himself.

On that day, he didn't do anything except cry in their dorm. Crying his eyes out, feeling heavy in his chest.


It's been three days since Earth and Kao stopped talking and seeing each other, Kao texting and calling the younger one non-stop, but receives nothing. Sammy said Earth hasn't been talking a lot except about school matters too, Kao suspecting that maybe, he's just too busy to reply. Kao feels like there's something wrong though, but he just can't ask because it might annoy the younger. He doesn't want to seem too clingy to the younger. He's also busy with training because the competition will be two days from now already.

"He's not gonna reply anymore! Stop waiting, man" Boun teases Kao while getting his towel from his locker.

"F*ck you," Kao replies casually, eyes focused on his phone.

They're having a quick break, He's still expecting to receive any text from Earth.

"Maybe he has a reason why he doesn't reply?" Yacht joins the conversation.

"Of course, he has. No one does things without reason" Ohm who appears from the shower utters.

"How about I do this, huh?" Boun hits Ohm with his towel.

"Hey, why did you do that?" Ohm glares at Boun, furrowing his brows to show annoyance

"No reason" Boun simply replies.

"Hey, damn you---" Ohm points at Boun before he chases him inside their room.

Kao still shows no reaction even with two people running around him. He misses Earth, and he feels unhappy thinking that Earth doesn't even remember him. Prem sees Kao's gloomy face and decides to sit next to him.

"Hey, phi... The truth is I bumped into P'Earth three days ago when he went here, he was standing behind the door... He said not to tell you though, but this could be a reason."

"Three days ago? Nothing happened three days ago."

"Coach told me we're resting early later, why don't you come and talk to him instead?"

Kao taps Prem's shoulder and says a low thanks.

As Prem advised, Kao goes that night to Earth's dorm, as their coach let them rest early. He's tired as hell, but he wants to see and talk to Earth.

He knocks on the door, and after a few seconds, Earth opens it.


He sees Earth narrows his eyes with tight lips, looking mad.

"What do you want?"

"What do you mean what do I want? Of course, it's you"

Earth breathes out heavily, calming himself before talking. "Phi... Please! Stop playing. I know the truth already!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard your conversation with your teammates. So you're playing with me, huh?? Well, Phi just to tell you I am also not serious about you!!!"

Kao furrows his brow, showing confusion. He's gone speechless.

Earth tries to wait for Kao to say something, but then he feels his tears threatening to come out of his eyes, and he doesn't want Kao to see him cry.

Without a word, he shut the door and immediately runs to his bed to cry, for the nth time today. Seconds later he starts hearing Kao repeatedly knocking and calling him through the door. Good thing Fluke was out with friends, he won't be able to witness his drama.

After a few minutes, Kao gives up and leaves.

Earth cries all night, still feeling hurt about how the man he likes just take him as a joke, and didn't even explain when he has the chance.

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