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Earth runs to his dorm after spending time with Kao in the library. He immediately opens the door and opens his laptop to check on the file he had sent to Mrs. Panhan.


"Did you receive my gift on your locker? It was the first time I've been to your building, and the lockers were big and it was really amazing." Alex grins as Del opens the bottle of water he just gave.

"..... Our seniors funded that to improve. But... it's really you who sent it?" Del's eye widens, can't believe that her crush just gave her something close to her heart.

"Eumm... This is the start, so you better prepare already."


"What are you reading?"

"A cookbook. I've been looking everywhere, good thing the library here provides the latest books."

"This library's atmosphere is good as well, I feel like sleeping" Alex rests his head on Del's shoulder and smiles.

"Hoii, this is not a place for sleeping!" Del taps on Alex's head but Alex does not even care, he's with the love of his life, doesn't matter.

"Whatever, I'm going to sleep"

The girl smiles, feeling giddy inside.


"Hey, where did you go earlier? We were looking for you." Fluke who comes out from the shower approaches his roommate.

"I.. went to the library, with P'Kao"

"Oh, how did you get close?"

Earth stops for a minute, thinking of what to answer because, to be honest, he does not know too.

He pulls Fluke to sit in front of him and holds him in both of his hands tightly.

"Fluke, do you believe in things like,,, fairytales?"

"No." The other answers without thinking.

Earth sighs in frustration "Can you at least,, support me sometimes, bestie"

"Support you with what?"

"Here, Listen to me, and don't laugh at me okay"

"I'll try.."

He breathes heavily before talking. "So, Mrs. Panhan asked me to write a promotional story about our university, right?"

Fluke nods.

"Errr, iT'S JUST THAT, I don't know... I wrote that while thinking the characters were me and P'Kao.. and then suddenly things happened, like... I don't know, Fluke" Earth frowns, Fluke seems like already getting what his friend wanted to say.

"...those scenarios you wrote happens with you and P'Kao?"

"Yes!!! even some lines, like,, I wrote here, The male will say "this is the start chuhcuchu" and last Wednesday, P'kAO SAID THOSE TO ME, and earlier he asked me if I was going to read Thai cookbooks and it's written here that Del was reading a cookbook in the library.." Earth hysterically tells his friend.

"Coo, calm down.."


Fluke looks at him in the eye, "see, it may sound strange, but you wrote this while thinking of P'Kao, and now it's happening, so it's great, right? Now, why don't you enjoy the deal?"

Fluke holding his hand tightly makes him calm down, He smiles after, makes Earth smiles back too, and nods. Fluke really knows how to make people feel better.


"Okay, cut!" The president of the Film Club, New shouts, and everyone in the set stop working. New is a senior Film student who agreed to direct the film.

It's their second day of taping, they're at the library, shooting the library scene.

Earth stands at the side, smiling, remembering the time Kao and he sat close, with Kao's head on his shoulder.

He gazes down at his phone, expecting a message from Kao.

They're supposed to have a date at the canteen today but they didn't talk about it, his story did.

He starts to wonder what will happen after his story ends. He smiles, feeling excited.


Earth opens the message he just received.

Earth hurriedly runs his way to the canteen and spots Kao sitting on a corner

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Earth hurriedly runs his way to the canteen and spots Kao sitting on a corner. He fixes himself first before slowly steps towards Kao and sits across him.

"Phi, where are your teammates?"

"I don't know, maybe in their respective worlds. Ah, here's your food. How's the taping?" Kao replies pushing a plate to Earth smoothly.

"It's been great, It's fun seeing your works happen in real life, yeah. How's your practice?"

"Good" The elder answers shortly. "eat this."

"Phi already putting too much food on my plate!!!!" Earth pouts but eats the food anyway.

"Make sure to finish everything"

"Even the plate?" Earth jokingly asks

"Even the plate."

"But Phi, I'm on a diet!!"

"Aww? But I want chubby cheeks to pinch like this.."

Kao reaches out his hands to pinch both of Earth's cheeks, Earth wailing, but Kao just laughs at him.


"Oh, okay okay, sorry." Kao strokes his cheeks while smiling before going back to his food.

Earth can only smile while watching his phi eat, with his heart feeling full, beating out of control.

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