#Accidentally naked

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Elena's POV
Have you ever felt so embarrassed that you wish you could disappear from the surface of the earth?Well at this point people tend to scream , cry and others faint .
Buzz.Buzz.Buzz.Buzz.Buzz.Buzz.6:20 a.m

Damnit damnit damnit.It's still Tuesday and I am being forced to go to the prison where people my age go to be tortured ,called School.Just to listen to some bullshit called knowledge that no one gives a crap and listen to them complaining for hours about how their life sucks and how we make it even worse by being ourselves! (Even though I am sort of a good student and care about my grades I hate waking up so early to go to school and I love complaining about it)

But right now the only thing I can think of is me going back to my beauty sleep and .... this go back to sleep so my life won't suck that much.

"- I don't know is just something about ya ,got me feeling like I can't be with out ya,every time I am -" So much for some sleep.!I
"Yes ! What do you want from my freaking miserable life at"I pause ,I look at my clock and I start complaining again" 6 20 in the fucking morning, for fuck's sake?!?"I answer my phone with a bitchy tone wiμthout even glaring at the screen to aknowledge the person I am talking .

"Hey hey hey miss grumpy pants what are you doing?"Without a second thought I pull away the covers and *Boom* I am all awake. "Jake OH MY FUCKING GOD it s you?!?! What have you been up too?How are you?!?"I stop and I glare at the time"Why are you calling me at 6 o'clock in the morning? Why are you even awake at 6 am?Thought you usually wake up at 7.This is what you were bragging about for like ages. Something happened?!?!"I reply trying to hide the hind of curiosity in my tone .

"Dude , you moron?Here it 's like 9:20 or something.How can I be asleep and not at school.You know how Camelia (Jake's mum) is always freaking out about me not going to school.And don't get all twisted I am just fine!" He is right his mum always acts out a little .

"Okay okay I was just a little sleepy to think of that and you know me so..."I explain feeling a little embarrasse once again.He knows how when I am sleepy I can't think properly, let s make it at all.

"Okay princess whatever makes you to sleep at nights" He says in a playful tone and I bet he winks even though I can't see him.I so missed this ; him and I on the phone for hours talking about stuff and stuff ,giving to each other cute stupid nicknames that no one understand.Behind each nickname there is a whole story that envolves only the to of us.I love how he gets me and how-

"Hey Ell you there?Cause last time I checked you were talking to some handsome dude on the phone and you were ignoring him like hell!"he complains making me want to laugh my fucking a*s out.

"Oh who is he?Here boyfriend material!"I claim and keep talking"Missed me didn't you?It s been only 2 days after we last spoke and you call at 6 o'clock?There must be some serious reason behind this?"

"Is it?Cause I thought you knew me better.Look baby doll I just miss you presence , that s all.Ohh and I am visiting you after my exams are done so ...-"He half whispersand makes me shiver.An excited noise escapes my mouth by mistake and I am left speechless for a moment.But before he can answer I yell excitedly.

"Wait!What?!?You can't! It s freakingimpossible for you to come!It s not happening !OH MY FUCKING GOD!You shitting me ?!I am sure.Cause if you are I swear I ll come over there and kick your big ass."

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