#Monday's on

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Can't believe Sunday is over and Monday is on.I hate Mondays and this one is one of my worst Monday mornings ever.This day is one of them that the only thing you want to do is stay in bed all the day with your pijamas on doing nothing but eating and sleeping with the only company , the loud sad and depressing music.Well unlucky me my mother is a doctor and I cant pretend I am sick just to stay home.

I havent mensioned my family have I?Well my mum is always bussy with her job so when she bearly sees us she is pulling us into hugs or something.I hate family hugs.Just this.Family hugs ewwwwwww.She is a doctor so I get that lecture about drinks and dangers every time I get out of the door.We mooved here because she has been transfered here to get more money.We are not excactly rich but thank God we are fine.My dad is doctor too so we are always on our own.Me and my brother against the world.My family isnt really the perfect family we all see in the TVs or in the books.They are together but they argue a lot and that s getting on my nerves.It s hard to work together.My mum s called Mary and my dad  Ashton.They are just like every other parent.They are not really strict but you know they are like the FBI and I hate it.We dont hang out together like every normal family because we are always bussy.But when we do we make sure it s epic. The good and the bad epic.I dont always hate it.Sometimes it can be fun.The fun that you can have around your parents but fine.My parents are cool.My mum owns an iphone 5 and my dad an iphone 5s .They are not too young either too old.When they are together they like to argue a lot for everything, even for an old shirt that dad lost ,but when they are apart they worry about each other.But when it comes to my brother and I is the opposite.Well we are twins .Not like those freaks in the movies.We are like Zack and Cody.Except the fact that we are both badass,smartass,goodlooking and obsessed with sports.He can be as bad as he wants but when it comes to me he is so sweet and I love it. He could kill for me so could I.He is my blood and I love him  but sometimes he is a pain in the ass.Sometimes somehow he is the only person that can get me.He knows me well to know what I love and what I hate . Back home when we were younger he was my bestfriend.But when Zack came on everything changed.He was the reason I am a jerky badass player and why my brother and I arent that close.Wondering who Zack might be?Well Zack is the worst person ever-

"Hey sis still sleeping"I heard my brother shouting outside of my bedroom."Well clearly I am not  bungee jumping so go away" "You are so not funny.Get dressed because you will be late again and I am so not in a mood for mum 's lecture"Okay okay so I have been going to this school for like a month and the first period for me is always half."You fell asleep?"Oh didnt I worn you for his annoyance?"Shut up.Wanna come in and help me pick what to wear?"Hmmm like I thought."NO FREAKING WAY.I have to go you know do that thing"HAHA."What thing?"Yes I am bad."Ermmm you know that thing.I have to go anywayzz.See ya later."What a victory.Sooo what are we wearing today?Suggestions?I am thinking about a cute skirt and a simple top with vans obviously.I wont fix my make up I am too tired.My hair are simply laying on my back.Hell no I am not going to fix them.Walk or get a ride from my twin and his girlfriend who happened to be my one and only bestfriend.It s so awkward when they are kissing or when Aron and I are kissing .I should probably get going because Dan is right ."Broo you waitin for me?"I walked downstairs."Sure thing suggaa come and join"Lu is here and I am interrupting something."Comeeeeeing"

Scool is not far from our place so we werent late.First period of Monday sucks.Lu and I were chatting for some random stuff at my locker."Vans or airforce?" "Tough dessision but I will go with a pair of  vans.They are cooler and-.I turned to look Lu s face when I realised she was upset."What's the matter?"I turned around to see what was she looking at.HOLLY SHITT."Who s she?"I gave her a death stare."Why is she with my Luke- I mean with our Luke ermmm with Luke?!?!" Lu was trying to calm me down."You are clearly hotter than her sweatheart."Okay okay that wasnt her answer."I am gonna go get some info for you"That wasnt her answer either."She looks hot let me do a search for her."Yes that was it.Monday was getting even worse.Wait for the next period to see what will happen.

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