The Pain, It Goes On For So Long

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My vision's blurry and I fall, catching myself on a shelf on the wall. I feel like I'm going to throw up. She can't be dead. She can't... I can't...

Through the fogginess in my brain I hear a shout. "She's breathing! She's alive!" The relief and disbelief I feel makes me hit the ground, my vision going black for a second. I push myself off the ground immediately after and race to Evelyn's side, barely noticing the people I've pushed out of my way. My knees hit the ground next to her limp form and I ever so gently lift her into my arms. I press my fingers to her neck to feel her pulse. It's faint, but it's there. She's alive, she's really alive.

I lift her up and give her unresponsive lips a soft kiss, stroking her blood-encrusted hair and holding her close, tears falling down my cheeks. I'm too paralysed to respond when the paramedics arrive and gently take her out of my arms. I can only stay kneeling on the floor, crying my eyes out. Eventually someone wraps a blanket around my shoulders and helps me up off the floor. They lead me up a staircase out of this basement and into a house, which makes me vaguely realise the police must have broken through the door to search the house. I hope they catch the culprit and deliver him the punishment he deserves. He deserves to feel every bit of pain he caused Evelyn and more, because she deserved none of it. Absolutely none of it.

I'm lead out of the house where I see an ambulance parked out the front, with the paramedics loading a stretcher in the back on which Evelyn is strapped along with an oxygen tank that they've attached her to. It hurts so much to see her like that, I can barely breathe.

"Come on," says the paramedic who gave me the blanket and lead me out of the house. "We're going to put you in the ambulance with her so you can go with her to the hospital. Okay? Understand?" I nod, stil watching Evelyn disappear into the ambulance.

The guy takes me over to the ambulance and helps me up into it where I sit down beside Evelyn's stretcher and take her hand. She's so still, and her hand so cold. 

We arrive at the hospital in a rush and the medics waste no time in getting Evelyn out of the ambulance and into the hospital, with me holding onto her hand the whole time. We burst into the emergency room with the stretcher, the medics yelling for doctors and racing her down the hall. I'm running to keep up and keep a hold on her hand, but eventually a nurse grabs my shoulders and stops me from following them. "No..." I choke out as tears run down my face, my hand still outstretched towards the fast-disappearing stretcher.

The nurse keeps a hold on my shoulders and turns me around to sit down on a plastic waiting chair. I sit down and bury my head in my hands, still crying.

"Mr Perry," a voice says, startling me out of my daze. I'd been sitting in that chair for who knows how long, lost in a state somewhere between awareness and sleep. I wildly jump out of my chair as soon as I realise it's a doctor. 

"Miss Waters has suffered severe trauma, but is in a stable condition. She has suffered severe head wounds and blood loss, as well as a severe concussion. There is a chance that there may be some memory loss issues as well as a slight chance that she may slip into a coma. We would like to keep her here for approximately a week to ensure that doesn't happen, and when she is released she will have to undergo psychology sessions in order to help her with the mental trauma of the experience, especially since it is likely she will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. However, she is awake at the moment and would like to see you." 

"Where is she!?" I ask desperately. 

"RIght this way," replies the doctor. "Although please keep in mind that if she has been sexually abused by her kidnapper, she may not be okay with physical contact just yet."

My heart stops as soon as I see her lying in her bed, eyes open and watching me. There's still blood staining most of her white-blonde hair, but they've cleaned up her face enough so that I can see some of the horrific wounds and bruises on her forehead. I can't help tearing up again, seeing her in this state. I rush to her bedside and kneel down, gently taking her hand but refraining from kissing her, keeping in mind what the doctor warned me of.

"Evelyn," I whisper.

"Hey," she croaks, smiling slightly. She looks exhausted.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Shit," she says with a croaking chuckle that sounds painful. "But better now you're here," she says, lethargically lifting her arm to wipe away my tears.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"Me too."


One month later

I flop down on the couch with Tony beside me, exhausted. "Jesus Christ," I exclaim. "I am never moving home again."

"It's better than your old place though, or staying at your mum's place like you've been doing" Tony points out.

"True," I chuckle. "And now you have an excuse to always be hanging around and taking care of me instead of hovering aronud my mum's place without leaving."

"Hey, your mum loved having me around," he laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed too.

"So, how are you feeling after all that?" he asked, concern creeping into his voice as he stroked a strand of my black hair out of my face.

"Honestly, Tony, I'm fine. I can handle a little moving around."

"I know, I know," he says before leaning in to kiss me, his lips moving oh so softly and wonderfully against mine. The kiss soon deepens and things start to heat up a bit as he pulls me towards him, hand running down my back.

"Tony... I can't..." I murmur, pulling away.

"I'm sorry," he says, looking ashamed.

"No, I'm sorry... I just..." 

"I know. Don't apologise, it's okay. I can wait."

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too."

Title cred: "Cellar Door" - Escape the Fate

And that was the last chapter, finally! Sorry for the massive wait between chapters, I kept losing motivation and then my computer broke for a few months and so on but then I finally forced myself to write this chapter and here you are. Thanks to all who read/voted/commented, if I have any readers left that is, and special thanks to those that encouraged me to continue when I was about to trash it all. I love you all :)

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