Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun

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After PTV asked me to tour with them we drove to my apartment, I packed a bag and then we all jumped back in the bus to drive to PTV's next show in Las Vegas. I've never been to Vegas, so I'm very excited.

I'm currently watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Tony and Mike, because Mike insisted on watching it. There was an argument between Mike and Tony about what movie to watch, because Tony wanted to watch Star Wars instead. Vic and Jaime are in the front of the bus with part of the crew because they got sick of Tony and Mike's arguing, and everyone else is up the back of the bus.

We've driven about three hours from my place, which means one hour to go until we arrive. The plan is to play two shows in Las Vegas, then drive to Salt Lake City for one, and then to San Francisco for one. I'm not sure what's after that; I think I'm going home from there. I'm dreading going home, though. I haven't been with them long but I can tell that leaving this lifestyle is going to be hard, especially when I have to return to the life I live.

I know, I know, it could be worse. It's not that bad. But it doesn't mean I don't hate it and I'm not unhappy. I feel like I'm going nowhere with my life and I'm destined to waste away into nothing. I'm not special to anyone, and I'm so goddamn lonely all the time. All I want is a change, or an escape of some form. I've been told I should find a boyfriend, but who the hell would take me?

But right now I'm snuggled in between two of my favourite musicians and I'm hours away from home and my troubles. I'm having so much fun and I feel free.

I didn't even realise I'd fallen asleep, but I've just been woken up by Tony telling me we've arrived. We're going to go and check in at a hotel in the casino, and then spend the night having a bit of fun.

We all grab our bags and head into the casino, my stomach twisting with excitement. This is going to be the best night ever. 

But frst, I want to spend a bit of time exploring the shops and streets of Vegas and preparing for tonight. We all agree to split up so we can wander around and do what we want before tonight. Awesome.

A few hours later, we're all standing in the corridor outside our rooms, ready to party. The band didn't recognise me at first because I found a hair salon and got my hair dyed while we were out on the town today. It's now a bright shade of aqua blue.

I'm wearing a cute black cocktail dress with aqua trimming around the bottom and an aqua sash around my waist, to match my hair. I've got black high heels on and my thick hair is loose with a simple black headband, and I'm clutching a black purse containing makeup and my mobile phone. My black winged eyeliner is nice and thick and perfectly done, if I may say so myself. I've got black lipstick on too and light blue eyeshadow. 

When Tony sees me his eyes widen for a second, then go back to normal as he approaches.

"Wow, you look great!" he says, grinning. 

"Thanks," I reply, smiling up at him. "Shall we go?"

"Absolutely," he says as he offers me his arm. Smiling, I take it and we head off with the rest of the band and crew to begin our night in Vegas.

I've just woken up. With a jolt I realise that I'm lying next to Tony on his hotel bed, and he's snoring like you wouldn't believe. Shit, we didn't... Did we?

I don't think so, although I'm still not sure. We're both still in our clothes from last night, although Tony is missing his shirt and I don't have my shoes. I don't really remember anything from last night and my head is hurting like a bitch. I know that it was one hell of a night though.

I sit up and look around the room. It's trashed. There are cans and bottles strewn all over the floor along with someone's luggage, empty food packets and the sleeping body of Mike.

"Hey," says a croaky voice from beside me. I turn to see Tony smiling at me with bleary eyes. I smile back at him and flop down on the bed again.

"Hey." I smile back at him. "Um, last night, did we...?"

"Oh, no, I don't think we did, no. Don't worry," he says with a slight chuckle.

"Oh, ok, good. Sorry, I just had to ask," I say. That's relieving. I mean, I do like Tony. I like him a lot, to be honest. But if we were going to, you know, I wouldn't want it to be when we were drunk and couldn't remember it in the morning. Besides, I don't think Tony likes me that way and I wouldn't want to disgust him or make things awkward between us. 

"Well, it's three in the afternoon," he says, looking at his phone. "We better wake the others and start trying to get rid of these hangovers because we have a show to play tonight. Wanna help me?" I grin and nod as we both slide off the bed.

Tony goes over and starts gently kicking Mike with his foot, causing him to groan and blindly lash out with his arm, nearly tripping Tony over. I laugh and go into the corridor and peek into Vic's room to see him and Jaime both lying on Vic's bed, also in their clothes from last night. I wonder what they were doing there together last night, but I decide not to ask.

I enter the room, followed by Tony, and start jumping on their bed and singing "Get Up" by Mayday Parade at the top of my voice. Tony starts poking and tickling both of them before joining me on the bed and singing along.

Jaime sits up so fast that he falls off the bed. Tony and I nearly fall off the bed too as we laugh hysterically at him.

Vic groans and puts a pillow over his head, which just makes Tony and I sing louder.


"ALRIGHT," he yells. "Get OUT!!" We both jump off the bed, laughing and high-fiving each other. Vic turns and throws a pillow at us, giving us his most murderous glare. Oh boy, if looks could kill..

Tony and I leave the room, still laughing, and head towards our own bedrooms to shower and change.

Title cred: Bulls in the Bronx - Pierce the Veil

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