An American Nightmare

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Salt Lake City was so much fun. The show was so full of energy and excitement and the crowd was wild. Today we arrived in San Francisco and we're currently at a bar, celebrating before the last show of the tour. The guys are going back home to San Diego after this and they're going to drop me off where I live first. I live a few hours drive from them but Tony says he'll find some time to go on a trip to see me before they head off for tour again in the UK. I'm going to miss him, but I understand he needs to spend time with his family and friends back home. Besides, he promised to call me all the time and we can Skype each other too.

At the moment, the entire band and crew are sitting around a table in the bar and we're definitely the loudest group in here. Tony and I sitting right next to each other and we're both drinking and laughing along with everyone. 

"Well, I think it's time to dance," announces a drunken Jaime. "Come on everyone!" All the guys at the table start getting up. Tony stands and offers me his hand. "Coming?"

"Oh, uh, no thanks, I don't really want to," I manage. There was so many people here and I'm really not much of a dancer, at least not in places like this.

"Oh come on, you know you want to," he says with a playful wink.

"B-but... Don't we need someone to mind the drinks?" I stammer feebly.

"They'll be fine. Just come and have some fun. It's okay, no one is here to judge you or anything. Please?"

I wish he wouldn't do that thing he does with his big brown eyes. I'm out of excuses anyways. I guess I may as well go with him.


I can barely believe it but I had so much fun dancing with so many people around me. About half an hour later I flopped down in my seat beside Tony, wiping my face and trying to catch my breath. I pick up what remains of my drink and drink it in one gulp, even though it's gone warm now.

I wipe my face again with a napkin and realise that my carefully applied makeup must be melting right off.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I say into Tony's ear. He nods at me and I pick up my clutch purse and head to the bathroom. On the way I realise my head is starting to get kind of foggy, and I feel a bit nauseous. By the time I reach the bathroom I'm clutching at the walls and stumbling in through the door. I drop my purse and head over to the sink to lean over it, using it to support my weight.

I look in the mirror. My vision has gone blurry, I even can't see how my makeup looks. I can only make out a white-blonde mass that is my latest hair colour. And a dark shape moving towards me from one of the stalls behind me.

My scream is muffled by the hand that covers my mouth.


I blearily open my eyes. I'm lying on a cold floor in a dark room and I cannot see a thing. Where am I? How did I get here? I rack my brains trying to remember what happened to me. I have flashes of being shoved against a brick wall, rough hands running over my skin in ways I don't want them to. A harsh, unknown voice whispering in my ear.

I raise a hand to my throbbing head and my fingers come away wet and sticky. Blood. I have another flash of the unknown figure raising something black and jagged in his fist. A rock, I think. He brings it down on my head and I wince as the scene replays itself in my mind.

I think my drink must have been spiked while I was dancing at the club. Oh god.

I push myself up off the floor and begin to stumble around blindly. My body is aching, I'm covered in bruises, and I can't see anything except darkness.

How long have I been here? Where's Tony? Is he looking for me?

"Tony?" I whisper. My foot catches on something and I fall to the ground.

"Tony!" I call. Silence.

I bury my head in my hands and begin to cry.



Title cred: The Boy Who Could Fly - Pierce the Veil

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