The First Kiss Stole the Breath From My Lips

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I can't believe Tony actually kissed me. I was so sure he didn't like me that way. I even thought I was getting on his nerves. Not that I'm complaining, of course. Just... wow.

Afterwards we had sat together for a while in silence, wrapped in blankets with our arms around each other. Then we recovered from our shock and resumed our boardgame, but the atmosphere was certainly different. Both our minds were on things that had nothing to do with Monopoly and there was just a different attitude between us that I can't explain.

Eventually, Tony had asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. It took all my strength to not pass out and to just give him a smile and a simple "yes." That's probably the best moment of my life so far. The way Tony's face lit up when I said yes made me feel better about myself than any words could. It looked so genuine that it made me truly believe that he loves me.

We arrived in Salt Lake City a few minutes ago and I'm standing outside the bus with my phone, dialling my mum's number. I remembered that I haven't actually spoken to her since before I went to the PTV concert and she doesn't know where I am, so I figured I better call her now.


"Mum, it's me, Evelyn."

"Oh, Evelyn, you haven't called me in over a week."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've been busy."

"Busy with what? You work at McDonald's, you're never busy." I sighed. Mum's never exactly been proud of me.

"I've gone away for a bit. Do you remember the band that I like called Pierce the Veil?"

"No, why?"

"I've gone on tour with them for a bit, as a sort of roadie. I'm in Salt Lake City at the moment." I bite my lip, bracing myself for her response.

"Oh, Evelyn! Why haven't you told me about this? I don't think it's a very good idea to be travelling with boys you don't know. What if they try to take advantage of you?"

"Mum!" I say, blushing. "They're not like that. Besides, the guitarist and I... we're sort of dating now."

"And you didn't think to tell me that? And, Evelyn, you've only known him for a week!"

"I know. But he asked me and I really like him, Mum. And I think he feels the same way."

She sighed. "Well, what's his name? When do I get to meet him?"

"His name's Tony. And I guess I can invite him and the band over for dinner or something when they take me back home."

"When are you coming home?"

"I don't know. Soon, okay?"

"Alright. You be safe, Evelyn. And please call me more often, so I know those boys are treating you well."

"Yes, Mum. Talk to you later." I hang up.


We've finally arrived in Salt Lake City. The guys and I are organising our stuff and having a beer inside the bus while Evelyn rings her mother outside. I guess I better tell them about Evelyn and I, before they figure it out for themselves.

I clear my throat. "Um, guys?" They turn to look at me. "Well, just so you know, I asked Evelyn out today."

"Oh, dude, what did she say?" asks Jaime.

"She said yes," I say. I can't keep from smiling or blushing.

Then comes the chorus of congratulations and thumps on the back from the band and crew. Then I notice Jaime passing Vic some money from behind his back.

"Woah, what was that? Did you guys have a bet going on?"

"Absolutely not," says Jaime quickly.

"You're a terrible liar, Hime. Spit it out."

"Okay, we had a bet over whether you and Evie were going to get together or not," says Vic. "Because it was pretty obvious that you both liked each other, but Hime thought that you were both going to be too shy to make a move."

I can feel my face turning red. "Was it really that obvious?" I ask.

"Yeah, sorry dude," Vic shrugs. "But don't worry about it. You're together now and we all think that Evie's gonna be real good for you. Plus, I've got ten bucks," he says, grinning. Jaime scowls at him.


Tony and the others come outside just as I hang up on my mother. Tony comes up to me and puts his arm around my waist. "Everything okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, fine. Um, you know the guys are watching, right?"

"It's okay, I told them about us. Did you tell your mum?"

"Yeah. She says she can't wait to meet you," I grimace. I decide not to tell him about how she thought that the band could be a danger to me.

Tony laughs and removes his arm from my waist to take my hand. I smile to myself as we head out to the venue for soundcheck.

Soundcheck was okay. I sat on the edge of the stage and watched the guys set up the instruments and test them out. Tony didn't really want to be there but Vic and Jaime were having a good time, which was very funny to watch.

At one point their merch guy, Vinny, got up on stage and started attempting to sing Bulletproof Love. Vic and Jaime starting waltzing together to the awful singing and eventually Jaime moved away to try and drag Tony over, so Vic came over and offered me his hand. "Care to dance, Evie?"

I took it, laughing, and we started waltzing as Jaime wrestled with Tony, trying to force him over towards us.

"Come on, Tony!" I called, laughing uncontrollably by that point. Vinny had stopped singing but Vic and I were still dancing like idiots, and Jaime had finally dragged him over onto the floor. I let go of Vic to take hold of Tony's hands, smiling and giggling.

I eventually cracked a smile out of him as we started to dance. He twirled me around and I moved my face right up to his to give him a teasing kiss.

"Oi, not while we're here, lovebirds!" yelled Jaime.

Title cred: Kids in Love - Mayday Parade

Saving Evelyn (Tony Perry Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora