Run Away With Me

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I've never believed in love at first sight. I still don't. But man, am I feeling something for Evelyn. I know I've only known her for a few hours and band members aren't supposed to date fans and blah blah blah...

It might be just a crush, it will probably pass, but right now I am loving having her snoozing on my shoulder.

We talked for hours about absolutely everything. Thinking back on it now, I'm not sure if it was wise to spill so much of my personal life to a fan I barely know, but I feel like I can trust her. She doesn't seem like a crazy fan that would do weird things to us or the bus or post everything I just told her on the internet. She just seems like a normal girl who happens to like our music.

I'm still sitting outside the bus and she's leaning against me, fast asleep with my jacket around her shoulders. She looks so cute and peaceful when she sleeps. Her face doesn't have that shadow of anxiety and sadness like it does when she's awake. I wish I could help her; she really seems to be hating her life right now. She gets paid minimum wage and she works at a fast food store, she lives in a tiny apartment she can barely afford and she doesn't have any close friends who would be willing to help her out. Poor girl.

I think the party's died down a bit inside. What's the time? It must be getting close to morning; I think that's the sun rising over there.

Ever so carefully, I gather Evelyn up in my arms to carry her inside. It isn't hard, she's a skinny little thing.

When I get on the bus I see the aftermath of the night's party. Several people are passed out around the bus and the place stinks of alchohol and vomit. I pick my way through the debris towards my own bunk and gently lower Evelyn down in there. I tuck her up in the blankets and she mumbles and rolls over, still dead to the world.

I head towards the back lounge, intending to crash there, but instead I find the sleeping form of Jaime. It looks like he drank a bit too much and didn't bother going to his bunk, so he just crashed here. Nice job, Jaime.

Since I can't sleep in my bunk or on the couch I figure that I may as well sleep in Jaime's unoccupied bunk. As soon as I climb in, I'm out like a light.


Where am I?

I have a moment of panic before all the memories of last night come flooding back. I'm in a bunk the bus, so I'm guessing Tony must have carried me inside after I fell asleep. I wonder who's bunk I'm in. There's some stuffed turtles around me and a Star Wars bed cover, as well as a Star Wars Lego set towards the end of the bed.

I find my bag just next to the bed and I check my phone. 2pm, are you kidding me!? I'm usually an early bird; I can't believe I slept this late.

I climb out of the bunk and realise that most of the bus must still be sleeping, judging by how quiet and deserted it is. I pad into the main area and find Jaime and Mike sitting on the couch and eating cereal, discussing last night's party in soft voices. 

They notice me come in and I immediately get nervous. Do they remember letting me on the bus? Are they going to be freaked out, or angry?

"Hey," they both say as I come in. I'm pretty sure they remember me. Phew. They both are wearing sunglasses, so I'm guessing that they are extremely hungover.

"Would you like some cereal?" Mike asks, looking at me.

"Um, yes please," I say. I'm really hungry.

"There's cereal and bowls on the bench, milk is in the fridge. There's also soy milk there if you're vegan like Tone. Come in here and eat with us when you've got some."

"Thanks," I say, and shuffle into the kitchen.

I pour myself some cornflakes and go to awkwardly sit next to Jaime on the couch. They're watching Adventure Time.

A few minutes later I hear a groan coming from the bunk area, and then a bleary-eyed Tony stumbles into the room, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"'Bout time you got up," says Jaime.

"Well I'm not the last one; Vic's still asleep," he mumbles before shuffling towards the kitchen. He comes back with his own bowl of cornflakes with soy milk and squeezes in between Jaime and I on the couch.

"Morning, Evelyn. You sleep okay?"

"Yeah, I slept great. You?" He just nods as he lets out another jaw-cracking yawn.

"You fell asleep on my shoulder last night, so I carried you into my bunk. I slept in Jaime's because he was asleep on the couch."

"You know what, man?" Jaime begins. "I got up off the couch this morning to go and sleep in my bunk, but your ass was snoring in there. Fuck you and your snoring ass, Turtle."

Tony, Mike and I all laugh. "Hold on, what is with all the turtles?" I ask.

"It's because I grew up being known as the guy who likes turtles, so it's kind of a running joke. That's why I get called 'Tony Turtle' and I get given a lot of turtle stuff," Tony explains.

"Oh, that explains all the stuffed turtles in your bunk. I'm guessing you like Star Wars, too?"

He nods enthusiastically. I can't help but smile at what a nerd he is. It's so cute.

"Morning, guys," says a hoarse voice. We all turn our heads to see Vic standing there, his eyes pink and bleary and his hair tangled and scruffy.

"Good afternoon, Victor. You woke up later than Tony!" accuses Jaime playfully.

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbles, wandering into the kitchen and returning with his own bowl of cereal and sunglasses over his eyes before taking a seat on the floor besides Mike's feet.

"Hey, Evie. Wait, I can call you that, right?" I nod, smiling slightly.

"Okay, cool. So, how'd you sleep?" he asks me.

"Fine, thanks. You?"

"Like a log," he yawns. I chuckle.

After a silence in which we gaze at the TV and finish our cereal, Vic sets down his bowl on the floor and stretches his muscular arms. "We better start getting ready for the day. Or what's left of it, at least. Evie, d'you wanna take the first shower while we clean up?"

"Uh, sure. Thanks."

'What a gentleman,' I think to myself before getting up and putting my bowl in the sink.

"Um, where's the bathroom?"

After my shower I come out dressed in last night's red skinny jeans, black PTV top and black Converses. My long red hair is damp and I have all my usual piercings in and wristbands on, as well as my silver heart-shaped locket around my neck. I have a little silver stud below my lip on the right-hand side, a red jewel in my belly button, a silver stud in my tongue and my ears have multiple piercings all the way up.

I feel a bit naked without my makeup, but I guess a bit lighter too. At least I still have my red nail polish and the remnants of last night's eyeliner.

As I enter the lounge area I notice that the breakfast things have been washed up and the bus is a bit tidier. The band is sitting on the couch, still watching cartoons. I can hear voices coming from another area of the bus, which must belong to the PTV crew.

As I walk in, Tony turns the TV off and they all turn to me. I instantly get nervous. Have I done something wrong? Are they going to get mad at me?

"Hey, Evelyn, we were just discussing something while you were in the shower," says Tony. My heart starts pounding. "I was wondering, um, would you like to tour with us for a while? Like, just live with us on the bus and come to all our shows on the tour and just spend time with us? The guys have said yes and we can go to your place first for you to pack a bag. If you want to, of course."

For a moment I'm overcome with shock and emotion. Pierce the Veil are asking me to live with them. Pierce. The. Mother. Fucking. Veil. I have a chance at an escape, a real escape.

I can't say anything, I can only nod.

Title cred: Somewhere in Neverland - All Time Low

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