Nothing Will Remain

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I'm currently standing in the stinking alley way with Officer Matthews and a few others officers who are part of the Evelyn Waters search team, and we're preparing to break open the trapdoor and head down there. We're all dressed in special gear with vests and helmets and flashlights on our head. Everyone's also got a gun, except for me since they apparently aren't allowed to give me one. That's probably a good thing though, because if we come across the guy who took Evelyn I might not be able to stop myself from shooting them immediately and I'm sure he's needed for interrogation and I'd be breaking the law and blah blah blah.

A few minutes later, the trapdoor is open. One of the officers finally managed to break through the lock to reveal a rusty ladder leading down into what must be the underground sewerage system. It's so dark I can't see anything, but it sure smells like a sewer. I can see the first few rungs of the ladder though, and they're smeared with even more dried blood. Oh god.

"I want to go down first," I say. I'm eager to get started on the mission, because the sooner we find Evelyn the better. But I'm also feeling incredibly sick about what we might find. What if this is where her body was dumped? I have to stop thinking like this. She's not dead, I just know she's not. She can't be.

"I'm sorry, Tony, but I don't think that's a good idea," says Officer Matthews. "I'd rather send one of us who is trained and armed down first, and then you can follow." I nod, not bothering to argue because I know that she's right. I wait while she gives out some directions and rules before the first two officers head down the ladder. We all wait around in tense silence as we listen to their footsteps echo on the metal ladder until they reach the bottom, where they take a minute to do a brief search of the place before calling up to us, telling us it's safe.

I immediately hurry over to the trapdoor and look at Officer Matthews for a signal. She nods an okay and I start making my way down the ladder.

The dark consumes me and I can't see anything, so I flick on my headlamp and try to focus on my breathing as I descend. My nostrils are filled with the stench of sewerage and my footsteps on the ladder seem impossibly loud. I just try to let those senses take over, because I can't bear to let myself think too much about the situation or else I might throw up.

Finally I hit the bottom. We're in a large tunnel, and I'm standing ankle-deep in filthy water. The walls are grimy and coated in graffiti and it smells worse down here than I thought it would. It's like a scene from a horror movie; I feel shivers down the back of my neck like someone's watching me, something's going to jump out and attack us any second. I shudder and try to stop thinking about how creepy it is down here.

One of the officers bends over and picks up something lying to the left of the ladder on the side of the tunnel. A black, pointed rock. I walk over to get a closer look and notice that the edge is crusted with blood. Oh my god, if she was hit in the head with that...

We head left, because it makes sense for the rock to be lying there if her kidnapper headed left and tossed the rock to the side as he walked.

After about ten minutes of trudging through the mucky water, we notice something odd. It's a set of rungs in the wall leading up to another trapdoor. This one looks like it's inside though, because there's light shining through the cracks in the edges. But why the hell would anyone want a trapdoor leading down to the sewerage systems inside their house?

One of the officers climbs up the rungs and tries to push the door open, but with no luck. That's no surprise though; we did expect it to be locked from the other side. Officer Matthews passes up a sort of rod thing, and the guy up there starts prising the door open with it. It breaks open surprisingly easily, and the tunnel floods with a ray of orange light as the patrol starts heading up one-by-one.

I take a deep breath as I start climbing. Please let her be in here. Please let her be safe. Please.

When I reach the top, I open my eyes to see the cops gathered around a limp, bloody, blonde-haired body in a black dress, frantically checking for a pulse.

Title cred: A Match Into Water - Pierce the Veil

Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry I've been gone for so long, I've been so caught up in other things that I just couldn't bring myself to write anymore and I know I was gonna give up on this story but I changed my mind. I'll hopefully be updating it more often now and finishing it up soon.

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