I Like It Better When You Can't Keep Warm

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I see the lights dim and hear the crowd hush for a moment. Vic nods at me and I begin plucking out "May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight" on my guitar, the noise coming out from the speakers on the stage.

I hear the crowd scream as they realise that the show is starting, and Vic says into his microphone "If you wanted to set me free, why the fuck wouldn't you say something?"

The screams intensify.

"See, I was just over seventeen. Made of poison, cave in free. Oh no please, don't abondon me. Mother, Father, I love you so. But this is just me disguised as me."

Vic signals at us to get ready.

"I'M THE KILLER WHO BURNED YOUR HOME!!" As he says that we all run out onto the stage and the entire crowd surges forwards, screaming louder than ever as we launch in the song.

"THIS HOME. WHAT THE FUCK IS A HOME!?" Vic runs to the front of the stage and leans out into the crowd, grabbing at girl's hands as they scream and try to hold on to his fingers, whilst I play the beginning riff of the song. Then Vic bounces back and raises his mic to scream "THIS IS THE STREET YOUTH RISING UP!!" Now the show has begun.

I love playing in Vegas, it's always so fun and energetic. I love playing all shows, to be honest. I love the rush it causes, being on stage in front of hundreds of people that scream just when they see us. I love hearing them sing along to the songs we wrote ourselves and I love to just see the impact that we've made on these people's lives. I never dreamed that I would be here, and I cherish every minute of it. It never gets old.

But, most of all, I love meeting the fans. Hearing their stories. Seeing how excited the sight of us can make them. And it was at a meet-and-greet that I met Evelyn, of course. I love having her around. She's so much fun and I've never really felt this way about a girl before. I still get nervous at shows, but tonight I would just look to the side of the stage and the sight of her gorgeous smile watching us play would give me new energy and encourage me to continue.

I'm so glad that she agreed to tour with us for a while. I had to fight to let her stay with us for one night, because the other guys were afraid that she might turn out to be a fan that's crazy to the point of being a danger to us. But after the first night they were okay with letting her stay, since she had proven to be completely innocent.

This all probably sounds really stupid. I know I barely know her and it's only been a few days. I'm not saying it's love, I know it's just a crush and she doesn't like me back. But, man, she's hit me hard.

The show tonight was awesome. The crowd was amazing, the venue was great and I was in a really good mood, which made the show so much more enjoyable.

I had managed to lessen my hangover a little before the show, but every time we go on stage we just forget about it so it didn't really matter. I know the other guys are still feeling a bit worse than me, but they're used to being hungover on stage so I'm sure they'll live.

After our second show in Vegas we set off for Salt Lake City. The drive is going to take six hours and at the moment, Evelyn and I are playing board games and chatting in my bunk. It's cold at the moment so we're snuggled up in blankets and hoodies.

"Your move," says Evelyn, looking up at me. I blush slightly, since I'd gotten lost in my thoughts and was unintentionally staring at her. I hastily pick up the dice and roll. We're playing Star Wars Monopoly and Evelyn's winning. She's too smart for me.

"What are you thinking about?" Evelyn asks curiously, her head slightly tilted to the side and a faint smile on her lips.

"Nothing," I say quickly. I can feel my cheeks turning even more red, so I just stare at the board. "Your move."

"Tony, are you hiding something from me?" she asks, smiling even wider. I shake my head, not sure what to say. "Okay, if you say so," she says with a shrug as she rolls the dice.

After a while I notice she's shivering and trying to pull her blanket closer around her. "Come here," I say as I open my arms. She smiles gratefully and wriggles over to snuggle into my blanket. I wrap my arms around her, trying to warm her up. She leans into me and I take the chance to breathe in the smell of her perfume and shampoo and whatever else it is that makes girls smell good.

Eventually she turns her head to gaze up at me. "Your move," she says softly. I feel like her wide, chocolate brown eyes are swallowing me. Without even thinking, I lean in and kiss her. The kiss lasts only a few seconds before I pull away, my heart pounding.

"Sorry," I mutter, turning my face away from her. I can't believe I just did that. Does she hate me now? Will she slap me? Demand to be taken home?

Instead, she reaches her hand up towards my face and gently turns it to face her before leaning in and kissing me again. It's a proper kiss this time, one that lasts. She reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck as I take her waist and pull her closer to me. She tastes like strawberry bubblegum with only a hint of ash, along with something else that I can't quite name but I love it. It reminds me of a cool breeze, or a ray of moonlight. I'm not sure how a kiss can taste like moonlight, but it does. 

I never wanted to let go of her, but eventually we break the kiss and just sit there for a few minutes, arms around each other. I think we're both in a bit of shock, because neither of us were expecting that.

"That's what I was thinking about earlier," I whisper in her ear.

"I'm not cold anymore," she whispers back.

Title cred: The Boy Who Could Fly - Pierce the Veil

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