Expect the Unexpected ch.1

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Hi there! So this is the first fanfic i ever made on wattpad so plz comment and vote. This fabfic is about BTS and V meeting you. So if I made a mistake don't hesitate to say so I can fix it. Thanks and enjoy!!~~Author

You(Kim Saeron)
Mom,Dad,Older sister Lyzia

-Your P.O.V-
"Ok! Bye mom see you after school!"You yelled as you went out the house.
On the way to school you see alot of girls crouding the gates.You succsesfuly got pass all those crazy girls.When you bumped into your best friend Yena."OH hey!Ihave really good news for you but i think your going to not care." She said."Ok?What is it?"You replied."BTS IS GOING TO GO TO THIS SCHOOL!!!"She said as she jumped up and down with exitment."Oh great for you."You said with a *i really don't care look* Boy bands don't really amaze you the only thing you about BTS is they are korean and coming to this school.You rolled you eyes playfuly and went to you classes.

-After class-
"Yasssss!This class is done."You said as you headed to the cafe.As you went in the cafe you can see you best friend Yena scolding his little brother.She always does that scold his brother but it is playful and for no reason."Yah!Stop scolding your brother what did he do to you?"You said as you told her brother to leave."Yah!He didn't say thank you to the luncch lady he knows to say thank you."She said with a angry face."OMG!Are you really going to OMG even i don't say thank you to the lunch lady!" You said with a*OMG face* She just rolled her eyes and grabed her lunch.

-After school-
As you walked back to you house with you friends....When you saw your sister Lyzia yelling at your mom and dad."WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THAT I HATE YOU I'M MOVING OUT!!" Your sister said as she drove away.You can see she looked at you and stared to cry.Then you stared to cry."Ohh um....I....I think i will be going now."As your friends left.You ran as fast as you can to your parents and hugged them."Mom......Dad...w-wwhat....h-h-hhappend?"You said as you cryied."W-w-wwe t-t-ttold y-y-yyour s-s-ssister s-s-sshe c-c-ccan't b-b-bbe w-w-wwith h-h-hher b-b-bboyfriend." They said between sobes.You stayed with you parents for awhile until it got cold so you went inside to rest.

~Authors note~
Soo what did you think.Haha i really took to long to make this so please vote and comment on this.Until next time see ya!! BYE!!!!

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