Chin Check Pt 1

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It's been a rough few days, Jordan was having consistent nightmares since losing Jules. She was terrified of losing her father, Erin or even one of the others. She didn't have a lot of family. Her father's team was her family.

One night Hank was fast asleep, the house was quiet, it had taken him a good while for him to put Jordan to bed because she was scared. He stayed watching her until she was fully asleep.

It was almost 1:30 in the morning, Hank jumped awake when he heard a loud cry. He shot up hearing his daughter cry and scream. Jordan was thrashing in her bed fighting.

"No....Daddy...come back.....No! Daddy!" She cried in her sleep.

Hank ran in her room and to her bedside he immediately pulled her into his arms. "Jo, wake up sweetheart, wake up. It's only a dream. You're dreaming. Wake up baby"

After a few minutes she stopped and slowly woke up. She looked and saw her father.

"Daddy" She choked out.

"It's alright baby, it's gonna be ok. I'm right here" He kissed her head.

Hank managed to get his daughter back to sleep. A loud alarm had woken the older man and realized it was the alarm clock, it was now 6 in the morning. He groaned, why did the morning have to come so fast? Looking around he realized he fell asleep in his daughter's room, he glanced down to see his daughter fast asleep. He figured 10 more minutes shouldn't hurt before he had to get her up..

Leaving the room Hank had gone to his room to grab some clothes and headed for the shower. Once he was finished he was dressed in a long sleeve shirt, jeans, and his boots. He shaved quickly. Once he was finished he went to check on his daughter.

Jordan was just getting up for the day, she had quickly made up her bed and got her clothes for the day. She had one of her brother's shirts, they may have been too big for her but she didn't care. They reminded her of her brother. He peeked in knocking on the door.

"Morning sweetheart" Hank says with a smile.

Looking over to see her father she gave a small smile as well. "Morning daddy"

"How are you?"

"I'm ok"

The older father sighed and patted the bed for her to sit next to him, the preteen took the hint and sat next to her father. Hank had pulled her close.

"I know losing Jules was unexpected and very hard, but sweetheart I can promise you nothing is gonna happen to me or the others. We'll look out for one another, we got each other's backs. Always. We'll always come home. And always remember that no matter what happens, I'll always come back to you and your brother. Come hell or highwater, I'm coming home to the both of you. You two mean more to me than any job. I can work anywhere. But I can never get two special and amazing kids like you and Justin"

Smiling the preteen hugged her father. "I love you daddy"

He held her back tighter. "I love you too baby. I love you so much. Finish getting ready for school so we can head out"

"No school today, teachers have conferences"

"You're coming with me to the district"

"Can't I stay home dad? Please"

"Not a chance, two reasons. One you're too young to be home alone. Two, you're still grounded"

"But dad!"

"No buts. Get your stuff together before we're late. I gotta make a stop before I go in"


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