Stepping Stone Pt 1

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One mid afternoon walking in the busy streets of Chicago, 12 year old Jordan Voight was walking home from school. Being the daughter of the police Sergeant who runs the Intelligence unit she always kept her guard up for people who will want revenge on him or will use her as leverage to get to him.

The pre teen always had pepper spray in her pocket in case she was jumped. As she was walking her phone began ringing, it was her father.

-Hey dad. Jordan answered.

-Hey Jo listen I have some business to take care of so when you get home lock all the doors and don't let nobody in except Erin or someone from the team. Hear me. Hank tells his daughter.

-Alright dad I'll see you later, love you.

-Love you too.

She hung up her phone as she continued to walk home, she then texted Erin she was headed home.


On the other side of Chicago, Hank was in the car with someone as they drove to an undisclosed location.

"I do not know where I'm going". The man said.

"Just keep driving". Voight instructed.

"How am I supposed to hold the wheel like this? I can barely steer".

"You're doing fine".

"Voight, there's got to be a deal we can make".

"Pull over up here".

He stop the car and the two get out.


"Come on, let's go. Let's go".

"This is 4 large, if you just let me. Just let me go".

Voight slapped the money from his hand.

"Shut up. Come here. I got three dead kids who OD'd, so I'm asking one more time. Who's putting out the bad dope?"

"I told you!"

Voight kneed him in the stomach a few times and watched as he fell to the ground. .

"The name. A name!"

"Rev. His name is Rev. South Emerald".

"Oh, oh. Look at me. See that?" He swipes his foot across the sand and rocks making a line. "You cross that line, the next trip will take you to the bottom of the river. Stay out of my city. Bus fare". He threw a $20 down on the man.

Hank then went back to his car heading home to his daughter. During the drive to his house his mind went back to the three kids who OD'd he couldn't help but think one of those kids could have been his daughter, he tried to push those thoughts away for the time being. The older father knew his daughter was at home and she was safe.

When Hank arrived home he unlocked the door and saw Jordan in the kitchen doing her homework.

"Hey sweetheart". Hank said, going to her kissing her head.

"Hey dad". Jordan replied.

"How was school?"

"About that". She then reached for a note under her book handing it to him.

Hank took the note and read over it as he got a little angry. "Jordan a parent teacher conference? What happened".

"Some kid said something about Justin and how I'll end up in jail like you guys did so I hit him".

"Jordan Lynn Voight! I didn't teach you to do that".

"I wasn't gonna let him get away with talking about you or Justin like that, I had to defend my family".

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