Wrong Side Of The Bars Pt 1

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A car speeds up on the scene, Antonio jumps out and runs around the car and up onto the sidewalk running inside his wife's bakery.

"Mitchell, let him in, let him in". An officer says.

In the diner

"Laura! Laura!" Antonio called out urgently.

Antonio is inside to see his wife upset and crying, the senior detective ran over to his wife and engulfed her in a hug.

"Oh, god. Our baby he's gotta be so scared". Laura says crying.

"I'll get him back".

"I know you will. You have to".

"What do we know?"

"There's no cameras in the alley. We're checking the streets on both sides for ATM video". Hank answered.


"One lady gave a white van, no license, no driver description, nothing. Detectives are rolling, squads are canvassing the area and knocking on doors, checking for cameras. Someone's on the pods right now".

"We have security cameras out front, but nothing in the alley".

"I know".

A man was speaking Spanish rapidly and urgently and two of the patrolmen wouldn't let him through, he kept talking and held a note in his hand.

"Let him in. Let him in!" Hank tells the patrol officers.

The man entered and gave Antonio the note. The note was in Spanish.

"Pulpo free by midnight, or your son dies." Antonio read from the note.

"Oh". Laura cried, hugging her husband again.

In jail

"Where's my son?" Antonio asked.

Hank then walked on the other side of the cell with an unamused look, his father mode began to set in as he thought of his little girl.

"Uh, I know he's not here. Beyond that". Pulpo says.

"I don't think you want me to ask you again".

"Ah, si, si, si, si. I heard about this type of thing back in Bogotá. Yeah. Your son was kidnapped, yes? Yes. Yeah, I read that many times. Many, many times. If the kidnappers were given what they wanted, then the wife or son was returned, not a single scratch on their faces".

Antonio banged against the cell then stormed away leaving Hank watching the drug lord.

"Maybe you should give 'em what they want, Antonio, whatever that may be. If you want to see Diego again, that is". He then looked at Voight as if he's done nothing wrong. "How's your daughter Sergeant? What's her name umm...oh yes Jordan. How is she?"

"You mention her name ever again and I'll cut your tongue of your mouth and shove it so far down your throat you'll choke on it".

Willhites's house.

Erin arrived to the home of Jules' and Alec, she slowly walked up the stairs dreading to tell him the news about his now deceased wife. Taking a deep breath she rang the doorbell and the door was opened by two children.

"Hi, Erin". Emmy greeted the older woman.

"Emmy, Liam. Hey, guys. Is your dad home?" Erin replies, her voice slightly cracking.

"Hey, dad! Erin's here!"

"Yeah?" He looks to the detective.

"Alec? Um--" She trailed off not wanting to say it around the kids.

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