Chin Check Pt 2

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Jay had come back still a bit angry, when Jordan had seen him normally she had stayed back when they were angry but had gone to hug him anyway. The detective looked down and saw the preteen had been hugging him. Slowly he wrapped his arms around her. The hug of a child was enough to calm him for the moment.

"Hey, what'd your counselor say?" Alvin asked Adam.

"Oh, that I'm coping well with the trauma, but I'm thinking she was talking about working with you"

"You're staying back"

"Wait, why?"

"Because Antonio called shotgun before you did and your counselor didn't clear you".

"You gotta be ... Al, how long is this gonna go on for? I'm fine".



"Christmas is the takedown word"

After that had been said Hank had gone to his office to start getting ready and to prepare himself mentally for this.

Erin had gone to Hank's office to talk. She didn't want Jordan to hear any of it. "Hey. Reservation's all set at Carmine for when he's out. They gave us the back room, so who do you want me to invite?"

"Oh, let's keep it small, just the four of us".


"I don't think he should be around his old friends just yet. I don't want a repeat of last year"

Erin remembered all too well what happened the year before, she had actually agreed on it. "Okay. Hey when did you wanna tell Jo that Justin's getting released?"

"I wanna make it a surprise for her. I think this'll make up for her birthday"

When Erin found out her sister didn't wanna celebrate her birthday, her heart just about shattered. On one hand she didn't blame her, from her last birthday her brother getting ripped away from her and sent to prison, that'll kill any mood. On the other hand it was heartbreaking and sad. She wished she could have done anything to help her sister.

"I'm sure it will and she'll love having him back"

Hank nodded and picked up a picture on his desk, when he saw both his kids happy, smiling, he was complete with them. Having one with him and the other in jail he didn't feel whole or complete. Part of him felt empty. But soon he'd have both his children back.

The older Sergeant left the room to see Adam, with Trudy busy with her work and Adam couldn't be in the field. He wondered if the new officer would be able to handle watching Jordan for him. He saw how well Jordan was getting along with Adam.

"Ruzek you got a sec". Hank called for the officer.

"Yes sir" Adam replies, going to the office.

Hank closes the door and turns to his new officer. "Are you good with kids?"

"I'm sorry but I'm lost".

"I don't wanna leave Jordan by herself, I was hoping you wouldn't mind watching her. If you don't want to, I don't mind asking Trudy".

"I'll watch her".

"Alright. I just want you to know what I'm about to say I'm not saying it as a cop or your boss but as a father. If anything happens to Jordan while she's with you I will hurt you".

"I completely understand".


Hank went out and called his daughter. "Jo come here sweetheart".

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