Wrong Side Of The Bars Pt 2

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After Jordan fell asleep Hank quietly made his way out of the office down to the archive room.

"All right, go through these one by one. See if anyone crosses with Pulpo or Ernesto. These are mine". Hank says to his team.

"Okay, look, remember, the red-tabbed files are the cis that have been paid out, okay? And you - hey, no. No, no, no, no. Those don't go in that pile you gotta keep it separate, or you're gonna get it confused with the other ones, and you--" The tech was rambling.

"Jin!" Hank called out getting the tech's attention but didn't work.

"I told you--" Jin then looked over to Hank.

"Jin. What did you get on the video?"

"Okay. It was recorded last night. There are some other voices in the distance on the audio track, so there's reason to believe that it was in a public place. Back room of a bar, maybe a motel. It's really not much to go on, though".

"Thanks" He then goes to two of his detectives. "Halstead, Lindsay, come here a sec. In case we're gonna consider a trade, I want you to check out these locations. Sight lines, sniper spots, the works".

"Are you considering negotiating?" Jay asked.

"Just check it out".


"Hey, Voight". Alvin called to his friend.

"Hmm?" Hank mumbles.

"I was wrong with Ruzek".

"Yeah, he certainly is not his father's son".

"Yeah, it was a gut call. I was wrong, so I'm gonna send him back to the academy".

"Your gut's always been smarter than you, Alvin".

"Hey how's Jo doing?"

"She's upset, scared, not that I blame her stuff like this will scare any kid. She's upstairs asleep right now".

"I'm sure once all this passes she'll be right back to her old self in no time".

"I hope you're right Al".

"You need more? Here. Hey, listen. Antonio, I want to apologize". Adam says to Antonio.

"Save it. For when we Diego back"

"Sure. So what's your secret, man?"


"Keeping so many CIs".

"Never make them testify, and you never lie to them".

"Sometimes you gotta be willing to toss a case to protect an informant". Alvin adds.

"Because sometimes when you really need someone, they're still there for you".


A woman was getting off the train and went over to see Antonio.

"Detective Dawson, surprised to see your text". Jasmine said with a small smile.

"Hey, thanks for hitting me back". Antonio replied.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"The usual. Listen. You remember Ernesto? He was caught up in the net when we were busted the house on 26th and Sawyer you were working there".

"Yeah, I remember him. Curly-haired brunettes. That was his thing".

"Yeah, well, he's back on the street I need to know if he's ordered any girls in the past couple of weeks. But what I really want to know where he might be flopping".

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