Part 3

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[Thomas's pov]
I'm coming from y/n's house. She was scared, and that f*cking Ben hurt her again. I hate him for it.
I'm coming next to road, when someone put a bag on my face, so I can't see. [Y/n's pov.]
I have smile on my face, because of Tommy. He always raises my mood. I hear that my phone is ringing. I come to it, and see that's Ben. I stop breathing. Then I take some air in my lungs again. Wait... He wants to FaceTime. I put smile on my face, before I accept the call. ,,Hey babe." I say. I was practicing it for so long.
,,Hello y/n." his voice is cold. I need to look like nothing happened, like I haven't noticed.
,,What's going on?" I ask. ,,You won't believe me, the Sangster boy, was coming from your house."
,,Oh, really?" I play as I don't even remember when i saw him for the last time.
,,Yes." he says with really cold voice again.
,,And? I don't even remember when i saw him, for the last time." I say with fake smile on my face.
,, Don't lie to me you slut. So you are cheating on me?!" he starts yelling.
,,No! No! I would never do that!" I start little couple fight. But couple fight with Ben, is worst that anyone can imagine.
,,Okay. I want to show you something." then he steps of off camera, so I can see, that he got Tommy.

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