Part 18

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[Y/n's pov.]
I finally let go of Kaya's hand. I slowly go back, far from the doors. Kaya looks at me, then at some table she has there. Thomas said address to that woman, who hang up with words: ,,Help is on their way." We took the table and put it right in front of the doors.
,,What are we gonna do?" I ask. I thought I would sound less scared, but no. Thomas came to me, chatching my hand and putting his fingers in between mine.
,,They are going to come and save us." he mutters into my hair.
We can hear loud steps all around the house. He has no clue we are here. I just hope it stays this way, because this is too much.
,,Hey, everything's going to be just fine, we just nee-" Kaya's cut off by door being kicked out. Oh my freaking God!
,,Go away bitch!" Ben screams as he pushes Kaya aside. Thomas stands in front of me, to protect me.
,,Don't you ever dare to touch her, again!" He says steping forward. I look at Kaya, who is lying on the ground.
,,I knew she was cheating on me, but with you? She could have find someone better." and with this, my nerves just explode.

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