Part 8

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[Y/n's pov.]
,,Okay, so you will call Kaya, from my phone, of course, because Ben is recording your calls..." Avi makes pause. ,,Okay, what's next?" I ask.
I'm holding Avi's phone. I'm putting her number in it. ,,I hope she will accept it.." I say to myself.
,,I hope so." says Avi next to me. The phone start ringing.
,,Hello, may I ask, where you got this number?" I hear Kaya's voice from phone. ,,Hi Kaya, it's me y/n." I say
,,Y/n! I haven't seen you for so long. What is going on? Why aren't you calling from your phone?" Kaya hits me with so many questions.
,, It doesn't matter now, I just need your help. You're in?" I ask.
,,On hundred percent girl." she says, knowing that something is wrong.
,,I need you, to call me, in like next half an hour-" I starts explaining.
,,On your normal phone?" she asks.
,,Yeah. So you will call me, and I need you to play, that something really bad happened. Like you're playing in movie. And with this fake problem, I'll be the only one who can help you. Maybe Ben will want to talk to you, so you will tell him, that I'm the only person, who can help."
,,Yeah... I hope I got it..." she says slowly.
,,Thank you, you're the best." I say and cancel the call.
,,Great." says Avi. I smile at him. ,,Thank you, you helped me."

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