Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again...

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"KYAHAHAHAHAHA! Please report to the dorms immediately." Cassette Tape yells.

"Oh no..."

Everyone has a sick feeling in their stomach, which turns even wosre once they see what happened...

Wolfie, the Ultimate Psychic, had a gigantic stab wound on their back.

*ding bong bong bing*

MonoPasta arrives.

"I guess it's time to investigate?" MonoPasta said.

"I'll...distance myself...from the investigation..." Macaron added, then left.

"Yeah! Go investigate! And if the murderer brings me their kidney, I'll let them walk free!" Cassette Tape smiled.

So, the objects begin to investigate.

*This timeskip is brought to you by a number 4, a number 6, and throw in a plastic donut.*

"It's time for the trial! Have fun, my dearies!" 

The students then go head into the elevator, going down into the trial room. They are scared, but feel like they can do it.

"Oh, I forgot!" 

Cassette Tape snaps her fingers, turning everyone back into their correct gender.

"Now then. Do! That! Trial!" 



ALIBI: Knife and Macaron heard screams in the night, but thought that they were part of their usual nightmares.

LEAVING THE ROOM: The crime scene was left quickly. The killer must have had some acrobatic abilities to escape without being heard.

MISSING MURDER WEAPON: The murder weapon is missing. Maybe the culprit pulled a Candle and put the weapon in themselves...

MOTIVE: The motive this time was switching genders, which also revealed some memories as well. Some people are more affected by this than others.

TIME OF DEATH: The time of death was 4:00 AM.

TRASHED LOCATION: Wolfie's bedroom is completely trashed, and there is a lot of blood on the bed.

WALL MESSAGE: There was a message on the wall, saying "His sharp mind is a weapon".

WEAPON: Since the weapon was a mystery, it could be anything. But, the stab wound makes it to be something sharp.


Pasta after writing this: I'm beginning to see a trend here that I'm not sure that I like.

Cassette Tape will be watching over the trial this time.

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