Stoop So Low

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Thank you all for being patient while I took some time to myself. I am still feeling pretty anxious and terribly sad, but I can't survive without writing. Writing is the thing that I love most, besides music, so I will continue to write, but I will pace myself when I need to, so some updates and stories may come slower than others. Thank you for understanding.

Also, thank you for the support on Chapter 1. I promise things will get more interesting soon, especially when Harry comes around. I hope this helps you understand Louis, though.

Trigger Warning: Mentions of sexual harassment in this chapter. I never want to make anyone uncomfortable, so please skip the flashback in italics if you are uncomfortable. Also, the f slur is in this chapter as well. You are all wonderful, beautiful people so take care.

Love you all and take care. 💕

Chapter 2:

    Black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and combat boots. That's what Zayn wore on the first day of high school. It was a bit of a switch from his usual style, and it exuded the intimidating demeanor he managed to form since middle school.

   I hardly saw much of Zayn during the summer. He stayed to himself a lot, and I texted and called him to try and hang out, but he was often too busy to do so. At least that was his excuse. It was difficult because I just wanted to be there for him, and I honestly needed someone there for me as well.

   The summer had given way to one of the worst romantic relationships I have ever had the displeasure to be a part of.

   His name was Aaron, and he was two years old than me. We met during the first two weeks of summer at a camp I went to for acting. I finally confessed to my mum that it was something I was interested in, and she supported me fully. She even came to the short play we put on at the end of the two weeks with all of my sisters.

   Aaron was taller than me, and he had stunning blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. He was gorgeous, and he was a very good actor as well. I should have seen through his stellar performance.

   He claimed to be interested in me as well, always finding ways to be my partner in our warm-ups and acting exercises, spending our free time with me, and even cheering me on to go for the lead role in the short play, which I ended up getting.

   He was basically perfect... until he wasn't.

   After camp was over, we all went back home, and I found out that Aaron lived pretty close by, not in the same town, but in a neighbouring one. We exchanged numbers before we left, and we texted for hours and all through the night. He was always so sweet and caring, but we would make plans to meet up on the weekends, and I would be a fool standing in our meeting spot for hours, having my mum drive me to 'hang out with friends.' Nobody ever came, and when I would text him or call and ask for an explanation, he was so convincing when he said that something came up with his family or that his car broke down or some third thing.

   I wanted someone there so badly that I chose to believe him, and I shrugged off each missed meeting for weeks and weeks and weeks.

   Finally, he did show up, and we hung out for a couple of hours, just talking and ordering some food. But things went south rather quickly as he started flirting with our waitress right in front of me, a pretty blonde girl who didn't really seemed flattered by his comments.

   "Aaron, stop it," I demanded, seeing the poor girl trying to avoid his eyes as she set our plates down. I was pissed for more than one reason now.

   "C'mon, Louis. You know you're hot. I just want to make sure she knows she's pretty fit as well," He turned back to the girl, and I couldn't take it as he smirked at her. "We're looking for a third person to have a bit of fun with-"

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