Perfect Disasters

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Hello everybody!

I am so sorry for the wait, but hopefully a slightly longer chapter will make up for it? 😅

Couple of announcements:

1) There will be a few more chapters of Harry and Louis learning more about each other/falling for one another, and then there will be a time skip that meshes this story with Princess and the events that happen there. (It will still be largely based around Larry, however.)

2) I wanted to do small projects for Halloween for you all, and I have a couple of ideas, but if you have any then please let me know here! It can be almost anything except for starting an entirely new book because I don't have time for that atm. However, I will gladly show sneak peeks of future stories if you all want, and I will be writing a one shot that someone recommended of Zayn and Liam in the Princess universe taking their kids trick-or-treating. Any other ideas, let me know!

Finally, there is a slight trigger warning here because Harry does talk about miscarriages, and I know that can be hard for anyone who experiences that, so read that with caution, loves. Also, a bit of low self-esteem and self-deprecation from Louis.

Now, please read this (hopefully) fluffy and cute date!

Chapter 10:

   The day was already a disaster.

  "Mum, have you seen my button-up shirt?" I called from my room loud enough to reach down the hall. In a family as big as mine, if you weren't loud then you would be stepped all over. Needless to say, I was used to shouting over my sisters to communicate.

   I searched frantically around my room when I didn't find it in my closet. The restaurant that I made a reservation at wasn't too fancy, but I wanted to look nice for Harry. I was beginning to panic as I searched back in my closet once more in case I overlooked the top.

  "No, Lou," My mum announced as she walked through my bedroom door with a laundry basket balanced on her hip. "What did you do with it the last time you wore it?"

  "I don't know!" I whined, feeling helpless. I was trying desperately not to run my hands through my hair in frustration because messing that up as well wouldn't be helpful. "I thought I hung it up in my closet, but it isn't in here." I stepped out and slammed the door behind me on accident.

   "Well, Louis, let's calm down. Take a deep breath, love," My mum cooed as she set down the laundry basket onto my bed. "Why do you need it so badly? Can't you wear anything else?"

   "I... I have a date," I confessed, surprising my mum as her eyebrows rose up. I've been on dates before, but I never told my mum about them. I've never felt the need to actually dress up and look super nice for the other person. As far as she was concerned, this was my very first date.

   "Louis!" She squealed in excitement. Then, she was grabbing my hands and pulling me to sit on the bed with her. "Tell me everything! What's their name? What are they like? Are they kind? They should be kind," She emphasized, and I found myself chuckling at her enthusiasm.

   "Mum, it's just one date. Who knows if it'll even go well. Not being able to find my button up seems like a bad omen already," I muttered out.

   "Oh please, Louis. One shirt isn't going to make or break the night. And if it's that important to you, we can check your dad's closet and see if he has anything for you to wear."

   "Could you help me look?" I practically begged. Even if I was no longer a child, and even if I was the oldest of all of my many siblings, I still needed my mum around. We were probably closer than anyone else in our family.

Caged (Louis' POV from Princess)Where stories live. Discover now