Tough Conflicts

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Another update! Next chapter will FINALLY introduce some Larry action! Anyone excited???

WARNING: Mentions of death, body image issues, pressuring of sex, and themes of helplessness. Please read carefully!

I love you all endlessly! Thank you for being so patient! ❤

Chapter 4:

"I'm fine," I lied through the phone.

I knew Miranda wouldn't be fooled so easily. She seemed to understand how I truly felt without me having to say it aloud. I wondered sometimes if Zayn knew how I felt as well, deep down, even if we never talked about feelings anymore.

"Louis, it's okay to hurt. But I am here to remind you that he was an absolute wanker, and you are so much better without him."

I tried to smile at that, even if she couldn't see it through the phone, but I couldn't bring myself to. Everything felt so cold and empty inside.

The last guy I dated was named Tristan. I figured that my problem was that I was dating a lot of guys that were older than me, guys who were ready to experience the more sexual aspects of a relationship. Tristan was a year younger than me. We were both young and a little naive, and it started off great, but many of my relationships often did.

He was incredible at first. Kind and caring and super supportive. We dated for about four months before it all turned to absolute shite.

"I love kissing you," Tristan commented as our lips parted momentarily. We were in his bedroom, laying side by side and just lazily snogging the Sunday away.

"Can't say I have any complaints," I teased, seeing him smile before he looked at me with a serious expression.

"I was wondering... when can we move on to something, I don't know, more?"

I pulled away from him a bit, looking into his eyes with a raised eyebrow.


"Yeah. My best mate told me that his girlfriend has already blown him. Wanna try that?" He asked, and I felt like everything was happening so suddenly.

It wasn't that the idea of sex was displeasing to me, but I wasn't ready to do anything. It still felt too soon in our relationship, and we were both so young. I didn't feel comfortable with it. I didn't feel comfortable with my body.

I've had multiple exes comment on my body-- saying that I could lose some weight, talking about how my arse was the only real asset, sexualizing every single part of me or telling me that I wasn't enough to look at. Even Tristan made a comment, though I don't think he realized how it made me feel.

It was when we were eating out one day. He commented on the amount of food I ordered, telling me that my thighs would grow more if I ate all of it so quickly. "Watch the love handles," was the proper comment. I went home crying that night but never brought it up.

"I'm just not in the mood for that," I excused. It was perfectly valid. Just because I was a teenage boy didn't mean that I had to be sexually frustrated every minute of every day. I still did normal teenage things like jerk off, but I never went any further than kissing with anybody.

"You never are." He gave out a frustrated sigh before pulling completely away from me and laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling with a scowl.

"Are you honestly mad at me right now?" I asked, sitting up in bed and staring down at him.

"Louis, we're sixteen! We've been dating for quite a while now, and you won't even think about so much as giving each other handjobs. You're so prudish, it's honestly pathetic!"

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