House Parties

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Hello everybody! Another chapter for you all. :)

Warning: This chapter contains the use of alcohol and alcoholic tendencies. It also contains a flashback which alludes to the possibility of sexual assault/rape and drugging. It is a very small part, but it is a very serious topic that should never be taken lightly.

Don't worry, guys, Larry will be happening soon!

I hope you all read carefully and message me if you need anything.

Thank you and enjoy 💕

Chapter 3:

"Careful not to spill anything! This is me mum's car!" I chastised the lads as they piled into the back seat with some drinks. Zayn was already sat in the passenger seat, but he wanted me to pick up a few other people before we went to the party that was being thrown tonight as some bloke's house. I didn't know him, but Zayn did. It seemed that, ever since that first day of high school, Zayn knew everybody and everybody knew Zayn. He was completely popular, and I was only known because I was his best friend.

"We won't, Tomlinson. Just a bit of pre-gaming. Want some?" Kyle offered me the glass that was half-full in his hand, and I wrinkled my nose at it.

"No thanks," I rejected, pushing his hand out of my view.

It wasn't that I didn't enjoy alcohol, but I just didn't want to share a drink with Kyle. He wasn't something I particularly liked, but I put up with him for Zayn's sake. He was more like a clingy little shite if anything, always looking for Zayn's approval or trying to screw with Liam for him.

Also, I was driving tonight, and I didn't want to get into a wreck. Nothing good ever came from drinking anyways.

"Boo!" All of the rest of the lads jeered, and Kyle laughed as he offered the drink to Zayn.

"Your loss. What about you, Zayn? Want some? It's vodka," He offered, and Zayn took it without a second thought, downing it in one go.

It put me on edge, Zayn's drinking. I was beginning to notice that it was getting worse and worse. We would go to parties, and he would be absolutely pissed by the end of the night, unable to stand on his own two feet. There were too many times when I would have to physically help him walk out of whoever's house the party was at and help him climb back into my mum's car. I'm also pretty sure he's been blacked out drunk quite a few times, waking up with little to no recollection of the party from the night before. I didn't understand his need to drink as if it was his life-blood.

"Thanks, mate," Zayn said as he passed back the empty glass to a satisfied Kyle.

"I heard that Tiffany is going to be there tonight, Zayn. Her friends were telling me how she is really into you. She's fucking fit. I would go for it if I were you," One of the other guys in the backseat decided to voice, and I rolled my eyes. All they were ever talking about was which girls had nice bodies or were probably a good lay. It was disgusting and disrespectful, but every time I tried to shut the conversation down I was called a twat or a fairy, making me tense up in the moment. Of course, Zayn would always tell them to knock it off, which I appreciated, but it was like he was accepting of all of their other behavior.

"She's not my type," Zayn drawled out, and I knew that he probably did a bit of pre-gaming of his own because he seemed so relaxed in the passenger's seat, his eyes a bit of a haze already.

"What? Why the hell not? She's probably the hottest one in our class," Kyle reasoned, scoffing at the notion that the girl wouldn't be somebody's type. As far as I was concerned, Zayn didn't really even have a type. He didn't seem interested in anybody, and I did spend a short time wondering if Zayn could possibly be asexual or aromantic. He just didn't grow attached to anyone romatically or try to do bits with anyone either. That thought didn't last long, though because I realized that Zayn could just be waiting for someone special. I figured I should maybe try the same thing with my rotten luck with love.

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