Good/Bad Days

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Update time!

Warning: Depictions of body image issues. We all come in different shapes and sizes, but those differences make you who you are and are beautiful. I know body image is a very serious topic, and I have dealt with this myself, so please know that you can always talk to me if needed or contact a help service. You are all amazingly wonderful. 💕

This chapter, I feel, is a bit of a rollercoaster. There is Larry in this one (this is where it all begins) but there's also more information on Louis and Zayn.

Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 5:

   "Louis, can you take these two orders to the window table for me?" My co-worker asked. She was tall and thin, and she acted nice, but it was all a ploy. She never really wanted to do any actual work, and I wondered how she managed go keep this job for as long as she did. It was my first job, but I seemed more experienced than she was.

   "I have two tables I'm working already. I have to do their orders and then check on table seven," I announced.

  It was actually a small diner that I worked in, but today was particularly busy. I wasn't quite sure why, but there were floods of people coming in today, and we were slightly short-staffed since two people called in sick and other people were going to be late arriving. They were all pains in my arse, and I wanted to yell.

   "I know, but it would be a big help. Please? I haven't taken my break yet, and I was just about to."

  I grit my teeth together to stop from snapping at her. I had a growing temper, and she was pushing it today. I didn't have a break yet, either, but I wasn't complaining about it or begging others to cover my tables. Still, I knew she would annoy me until I complied.

  "Fine. I'll do it," I snipped, but she only smiled sweetly.

   "Thank you! You're a life-saver!"

  She turned and left to the back room to take her break, and I grumbled under my breath as my orders for my other tables were ready. I balanced the two trays stacked with plates of food in my hands, adding on the two orders that I now had to deliver as well. My mood was already pretty pissy, but she was a thorn in my side.

  I turned to go and deliver everything, and I let out a sharp gasp as I slammed into someone. I managed to save all of the plates from sliding off of the trays, but the stupid tea kettle that the server set on the side was a different story. It slid off the edge of the tray, and I watched in horror as the hot tea spilled all over the customer who had just come up, making them hiss in pain.

  "Oops," The guy muttered under his breath as he held his shirt out and away from his torso.

  My eyes drifted up to his face, and I completely froze for a moment because the stranger in front of me was utter perfection.

  His hair was a mess of curls atop of his head, his eyes were a lovely green, and even though I had just spilled hot tea all over him and gave him a first-degree burn, he was still trying to smile through the pain, his lips in an adorable lop-sided grin. Shit. He had dimples. They were adorable.

  "Hi," I breathed out, completely captivated by his beauty. I have dated many guys and have seen very attractive ones as well, but he was on a whole other level of gorgeous.

  He gave out a small giggle at my reaction, flinching as his shirt touched his newly-burnt skin at the slight movement. Only then did I register what happened.

   I was horrified! Here was the most beautiful person I've ever seen, and I went and burned them with scolding hot water. I had to say, my flirting skills had never been worse. I was internally dying and wishing the ground would swallow me up.

Caged (Louis' POV from Princess)Where stories live. Discover now