An Act of Kindness

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Hello all!

Thank you all for being so patient with me. Here is your update! And I do have a couple of small announcements.

1) I made an edit to the previous chapter because of a continuity error in relation to Princess. It was said there that Louis was the one to ask Harry out instead of the other way around, so I fixed that.

2) Thank you all soooo much for 4k followers! It means the world to me. ❤❤

Next chapter will FINALLY be the Larry date. Enjoy!

Chapter 9:

Unknown Number: Hello, Louis!

Unknown Number: Good morning! I was just texting you so you could have my number as well.

Unknown Number: I hope you have a good day at school!

Unknown Number: Oh! I also wanted to let you know that I'll be back at the diner today. Niall wanted to go back. Hope to see you there :)

Unknown Number: This is Harry, by the way

Unknown Number: And sorry for all of the messages! You're probably not even awake yet. Um, talk to you soon?

I smiled down at my phone as I read through the messages. It was a pleasant surprise to wake up to my phone actually full of texts from somebody instead of just social media notifications.

I still hadn't messaged back. I didn't quite know what to say. Do I just awkwardly say hello and wish him a good day back? Do I automatically tell him about the details of our date? I didn't exactly have everything planned yet, but I could do my best to give him a few details.

"What are you smiling at?" I heard a voice suddenly speak up beside me, and I jumped to put my phone away. I slid my phone into my pocket as I turned to see some of the lads that followed Zayn around. I only knew a few of their names, not really caring much to learn them all. They didn't seem to care much about me, either.

"Nothing," I replied, seeing their unconvinced faces. Then, Kyle was speaking up. I knew his name because he always tried to make himself the center of attention no matter what the situation was. Also, he was far too eager to cause Liam trouble. Even when Zayn wasn't around.

"It sure didn't look like nothing. Looked like you were all smiles about someone. Did you meet some girl, Louis? Is she hot?" He asked, and I did my best not to roll my eyes and to bite my tongue.

"It isn't any of your business," I stated, and he just grinned.

"You're fucking whipped over some chick, aren't you?" He spat out as if it was a bad thing to have actual emotions for someone. "Come on, Louis. You can't be serious. A fucking puppy love crush?"

"You don't know what you're talking about. I told you, it's none of your business, so shut it."

"It's just hilarious, is all," He stated, extra loud for others to hear as well. I saw curious glances our way, and I felt like shrinking away. My heart was beating faster as I saw eyes on us. What if I gave something away? What if everyone found out right now who I was smiling about? I couldn't handle the eyes and the judgment and the critiques. My breathing was already picking up at just the thought of being made another punching bag that the school would ignore.

"What is?" I heard Zayn's voice interrupt the conversation, and I immediately froze. Even my breathing seemed to still, and I shut my eyes as Kyle gave out a laugh.

"Tomlinson's in looooove," One of the other guys sang out, and I could just feel Zayn's eyes on me.

"We caught him smiling at his phone, but he won't tell us who texted him. Wants to keep her a secret, I suppose," Kyle stated.

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