chapter 9

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Wilbur had prepared for a lot of things. But not for this. A moment ago he had been joking around with George. 

  Then a blinding light flashed. 

Wilbur found himself next to fundy. The both if them at the window. Wilbur opened his inventory, even if there was nothing in it, he could check. 

Wilbur eyes widened, and the fox boy took notice. In his hand was a chorus fruit called "switcheroo". 

Wilbur stared at the fruit for several minutes, before looking up to what was happening. 

"-now as our competitors, Dream and Technoblade get ready for battle, I would like to tell you all about how this game works."

 Wilbur eyes widened with fear, he started shaking. His father, and now his brother were going into the depths of hell for a stupid game. A hand latched onto his, and wait looked up to see fundy looking at him. 

"Don't exspect it." The fox boy whispered. 

Wilbur watched as the world around him loaded. They would be doing a same kind of duel as Mr.Beasts. but it went to 3 points before someone won. 

Round 1: 1.16 

The letters faded quick enough to see techno get an axe crit on dream. 

Dream used his sheild to get some edge, but by that point he had lost 3 hearts. He used a gapple quickly, and his being a pillar. 

But techno was onto him…

Dream looked on one side of the pillar, no idea.that techno was on his other side. Dream slashed at him, having noticed the pig man. 

It was too late for dream though. Techno got another crit in. 

Dream was slain by technoblade using Netherite axe

The crowd was suprised.  Dream and technoblade were pretty matched, they were like the hulk and Thor. When they fought, it could usually end in a draw.  

This isn't gonna end well… 

Wilbur thought to himself. The musician looked back to his hand that still held the chorus fruit. Staring at it, Wilbur fell into memories….

"Wil, Wil can you braid my hair? Tommy and tubbo undid it when I was sleeping…" 

Wilbur looked to his twin. He c ouldnt help but hold in a laugh. He snickered, as his pink haired brother couldn't help but laugh too. 

"Come here techno, I got you covered." 

The boy sat in front his twin, and started to braid his hair.

Technoblade was slain by dream using Netherite Axe. 

The words brought Wilbur out of his daze. It as 1-1 now. The crowd was quiet. 

"Wilbur, it's gonna be alright-" 

Suddenly, something hugged Wilbur. He almost jumped, when he realized it was Tommy. He took the boys hand, and Tommy looked out onto the battle field. 

"This isn't good wil." The boy said, gaze unwavering from the glass. 

Wilbur stared back at his chorus fruit. It sucked him back into his thoughts. Back into the past. 

This time, it was dark. The woods were filled with mob sounds, frightening Wilbur. 

"We shouldn't have done this techno.." 

The supplies in his inventory had been worth it, but both brothers had been out past dark, just heading back now. Then they started like a mob, running after the two boys. 

Wilbur tripped over a root, his foot catching the root perfectly. He faceplanted, getting dirt everywhere. Arrows flew passed him, and he could feel them getting closer. sorry…

Wilbur prayed. He hoped he would die swiftly. He felt a hard pain in his arm. 


The mob sounds faded, and Wilbur felt the pain decrease. Something covered the wound. 

"Wil, are you alright? Talk to me." 

Wilbur opened his eyes to see his twin, covered in blood, eyes blazing red. They softened back to their creamy brown in an instant, and techno brought Wilbur to his feet. 


"And that's a wrap folks, We have our winner!" 

Dream stood proud, having 3 to 2. Technoblade looked absolutely defeated. He c couldn't rise to his feet, and black goo looked around him. 

In that moment, Wilbur knew what he had to do. He turned to fundy. 

"Take Tommy Fundy. I have to do something." 

Fundy took the boy and lead him away from Wilbur, and he took out the chorus fruit. The goo pooled to his neck now. Techno was almost gone. 

Quickly, Wilbur ate the fruit. And darkness was all he saw.

A/N 732 words

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