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Sorry guys, I may not  finish this  book.

Because, This was never going to be a fully project, nor a happy ending for some.
   I will tell you what I was going to end with, and since I'm the only person writting this, I feel I should owe it to you.

1. Wilbur was never going to die. There was going to be a revival, and Wilbur or Phil, were going to be voted in.

2. 3 different paths would've been taken depending on the door you picked.

3. The last people would've been Techno, George, BBH, Tommy and Tubbo.  They would've had to do speedrunner v Hunter, but blacl goo rises every minute. Techno would've had to battle dream, so the others could escape. Sacrificing himself.

4. Not everyone would come back. Skeppy wouldn't. And alot of other mc people wouldn't.

5. The participants would not remember the event, as the game master would just move on to the next world, erasing all traces of the fallen minecrafters.

Once again, I'm sorry. Bye guys. Oh, and please check out my other books!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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