Party up

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Asami was still wearing the same, lopsided grin as she walked up to the house. When she left her house, she wasn't sure where the night might lead her, and she would've never guessed that a beautiful lady would knock her off her feet, literally, before she even got to the party.

But hey, Asami wasn't complaining. She already knew she liked both men and women, so she really didn't mind going to dinner with the gorgeous watertriber, who was for sure flirting with her. 

She didn't really have any experience dating though, she saw a few people, dated one guy when she was merely a teen, but other than that, nothing. Still, it was just dinner, maybe a date, nothing too stressful. Korra hasn't even texted her yet, so who knows?

Asami shook herself, returning to reality. She had been staring at the house's front door for a few minutes now, and probably looked like an idiot. She took in a deep breath and brought her hand to knock on the door. A few seconds in, and an unknown guy answered the door, scanning her with a raised brow.

"Wait, aren't you the Avatar?" He asked, caught between a mixture of confusion and awe.

She chuckled awkwardly. "Yep, that's me," said Asami, rubbing the back of her neck., "um, Mako invited me..?"

"Damn, Mako knows the Avatar?" He whistled, impressed. "Are you two like, dating or whatever?" 

"Oh Raava no," Asami laughed, shaking her head, "not my type."

"Cool, cool cool cool cool..." his hand went through hair. "So, can I shoot my shot?"


"Well, I tried," he laughed, shrugging, "no worries. Please, come in."

"Well, at least you're not pressing on it..." she chuckled, going inside.

"Nah, we respect women here," he replied, "not to mention you'd probably kick my ass."

"You're not wrong," Asami teased.

"Anyways, have fun," he laughed, "if you need anything, I'm Tahno."

"Tahno huh?" She ran the name through her head. "Tahno of the Wolfbats?" She recognized.

"Yep, the champions and the third team you beat today," Tahno grinned, "well, catch you later Avatar." 

With that, he left, going over to presumably his friends. And that was when Asami realized she was alone, in a strangers party, and she basically knew two people and one of them merely growled at her at their one and only interaction. She was so excited going into this, that she completely forgot that she was going to be... well, friendless.

So, following her senses, she went to the liquor table, making a group of people turn their heads when she arrived.

"Shit, aren't you the Avatar?" One of them asked, shocked.

"Uh, yeah, that's me," Asami gave him a nervous, lopsided grin.

"Dude, that's awesome!" Another exclaimed. "Oooooh can you bend something?!"

"Uh... by definition, yes..." she laughed awkwardly. "What... r-right now?"

"Go into the Avatar state!" One of them exclaimed enthusiastically. 

"What? No!" She shook her head furiously, starting to feel uncomfortable. "It's a highly dangerous state!" To which I wasn't able to enter since I was six...

"C'mon just for a second?" He pouted.

"I said no." She scowled, folding her arms.

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