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Happy New Year!!! (It's 5 months late but it's something) Firstly, I apologize.  This book is all over the place and I haven't updated in ages. 😥❤ Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments regardless. I love youuu really. Short chapter ahead and a longer one later today.

Colson was cordial enough to sit through what had become a very awkward dinner. He was tense however, blue eyes set low avoiding any incidence of eye contact with any mmber of my dysfunctional and frankly, disrespectful family. Any eye contact with me.

I was poised to defend the boy but the prospect of me not having a place to live in the near future prevented me from speaking my mind and doling on about how amazing I thought he was -- whether or not it had ever crossed to his mind to possibly be with me.

It had dawned on me that maybe he did? Why else would the tattooed boy be offended by what my father had to say? He was maybe considering the prospect of not only being with me but maybe for a longer time that I would of ever envisioned he would have wanted to.

Ironically, my heart temporarily leaped at the thought but frowned as I thought about how that could have been possible with the set of parents I was blessed with.

Cole had soon asked to be excused from the awkwardly quiet table, wishing my parents a good night and leaving the restaurant indefinatley. He nodded at me forcing a crooked smile.

I had forced a small one back, not missing the glareb my father gave when I had attempted to raise from my seat.

My mood had been ruined to say the least. However, the dinner proceeded quietly, my father as smug as ever while my mother seemed to have already forgotten the encounter had even took place. Sherry looked on in guilt however, maybe regretful that she poked at the bear in the first place.

Hours later, my phone stood between my fingers  awaiting a response from the boy I had messaged maybe over an hour earlier.

Wild boy😍

I apologise for my parents, they can be a bit... overbearing sometimes.

Please do not take what my father said personally. They are traditional Africans who refuse to accept the current world.

I hope we are okay? And that our friendship can resume naturally.
Seen 10:37pm

I waited for a response maybe half an hour later before I was greeted with a response. One that I'd never expect in a million years.

I'm sorry Nina. I don't think I can be your friend any longer.

Sent 11:03 pm

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