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The wind whipped against the glass windows as cars rushed by on the highway. It was extremely cold inside the contraption that was Sherry's van, the only remnant of heat coming from the sweater strewn over my shoulder.

My sister manned the staring wheel, seemingly not in the least bit affected by the temperature.

I was for sure convinced that she was a vampire.

Yvonne sat in the backseat, filling the spaces between the driver's and passenger's seat, a slight grimace haunting her features. "It feels like the North Pole in this Mom van. Can we turn the temperature down a little bit?"

Sherry rolled her eyes, not all phased by Yvonne's whinyness. "No."

"Where are we going anyway?" My sister had marched into the parlor and insisted that she'd take us out, no questions asked. She dragged me away from my Sundae, refusing to disclose where we were being taken.

"Right. I'd at least like to know where I would've ended up before I freeze to death." Yvonne dramatically fell back in her seat, pulling at the sleeves of her cardigan.

Sherry gave her the death stare through the rare veiw. "I will not hesitate to throw you out of  this vehicle."

"At this point, I would be surprisingly delighted if that happened." The petite girl let out a dramatic sigh and I had to hold on to Sherry's arm before she could reach in the back to smack her.

"Would the both of you relax? I'm not in the mood to babysit."

Sherry sighed before smiling briefly and speaking up. "If you must know, we are going shopping and then I am taking you somewhere it's a surprise."

"What's all this Sherry? Where did this new found kindness come from?"

"Well, I know what happened a few nights ago has been taking a toll on you and as much as I don't like to admit it. It is my fault. If I didn't bring Colson up to Mom and Dad, we wouldn't be in the predicament, so, I'm trying to cheer you up the best I can."

"But why?" Yvonne echoed my enquiry which made Sherry cast one more glare to the back which only caused Yvonne to smirk.

They were a mess.

Sherry was never the lovey dovey type. She always insisted on love from a distance. We never went out together unless she was taking me somewhere and would always refuse to apologize whenever she was in the wrong. So this came as a complete surprise.

My sister sighed before speaking up. "During my second year in college- I met someone. His name was Han. He was perfect. Handsome, sweet and funny plus he was an Astrophysics major which meant he was one of the smartest guys I've ever met." It seemed Sherry fell into a daze. Her eyes snapped out of focus as she spoke with literal admiration controlling her expression. Yvonne looked worried before sitting up in her seat to hear a bit better.

"We fell in love in no time. It was surreal. I'd never felt the way I felt about Han, about any other person. As time went on, he was adamant on meeting Mom and Dad and I thought why not? He's perfect. Any parent would be pleased to have their daughter be involved with a guy like him."

I had the tiniest inkling about where this story was going.

"I remember Mom and Dad came to visit on campus. You were at Grandma's that day. I brought Han with me to dinner. They liked him a lot as I'd expected until I revealed he was my boyfriend and Dad's gears shifted. Han is traditionally Korean which meant in Dad's eyes,  no matter how great he was, he would have never been good enough to be with me in the long run."

My heart sunk. "Sherry I had no idea--"

"How could you have? That's why I'm here trying to mend things. When that happened to me, I barely had a shoulder to cry on. I  initiated the whole thing, because I wanted you to feel the way I felt in that moment, which wasn't in the least bit fair. But I saw how you defended him, I see the way he looks at you. I know how comfortable you are around him. And I think you deserve nothing less. Our parents do not deserve such a right. That's why I'm here trying to fix this as best I can. I hope you can forgive me."

I was crying at this point. I pulled my sister into a hug before whispering a small 'I forgive you.' To her.

"You may not realize it at the moment but you love him and I see it with my own two eyes that he loves you too. Don't let go just yet." She whispered so faintly in my ear, I almost didn't hear at all.

"I love you Sissy."

"I love you too."

Yvonne sniffed from the backseat." Aww, group hug!!"


We were trying on random dresses, which was something I admittedly hated doing. It felt like one of those overdramatic montages in a Chickflick that I hated so much.

I tried on the eight hundredth dress which was a beige, flowy sundress with a ridiculous split at the side.

I walked out of the changing  room exhausted to a bickering Yvonne and Sherry.

"What do you guys think? You know what? I don't even care. This is going to have to do."

Sherry actually smiled. "It is surprisingly perfect for the occasion."

"It's a little raunchy too." Yvonne wiggled her eyebrows which caused me to wonder where on God's earth was I being taken.

"No time to even change out of it. Let's just pay for it at the front. Yvonne  go get the stuff and go in the van." Sherry dragged me to the register where she paid for the dress.

At this point I was beyond confused.

I was then dragged to the van where Sherry abruptly stopped. "I think I left  something inside. You can wait in the van with Yvonne."

I squinted my eyes at her, trying to figure out what seemed so weird about her behavior. "Okayy."

I approached the passenger's side of the van, completely confused when she stopped me dead in my tracks. "Could you go around to the driver's side? I want you to drive this time." She rushed the words, smiling sheepishly before quickly crossing the street towards the boutique we were just in.

I rolled my eyes nevertheless, walking behind the van to approach the driver's side.

As I stumbled around, mumbling about my sister and my bestfriend's weird behavior my body struck into the body of another human.

From my new position on the ground, I was face to face with a pair of blue eyes that I missed. A smile that I craved.

Cole was standing there, as beautiful as ever- smiling at me.

It was safe to say that my heart sunk but in the best way.

He held the biggest bouquet of flowers I'd ever seen, a half smoken cigar flaunting in his other hand.

His eyes bore through me as I looked on in shock.


💀Brace yourselves

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💀Brace yourselves. The other chapters are even more corny I'm afraid. So sorry😭

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