Butterflies Part.1

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A/N: It's been a minute. School has busted my ass immensely. But on the bright side- I met a boy😍 and he's everything my hopeless romantic self wants him to be. He's sweet, kind and soo handsome vfdddsfjsxfgg *sighs in bliss*💕 Love y'all.

   The series of strange  events that lead to the beautiful, blonde boy only a few feet away from me driving my sister's van, is what can be considered simply as a setup.

A setup I honestly didn't mind.

When Cole had helped me onto my feet and guided me into the passenger's side of the van, my sister and bestfriend were grinning through the glass windows of the Boutique I was forced in hours before.

Though I was surprised, I couldn't help how much at ease I'd felt to know the boy was in my presence (for whatever reason) again. Hopefully this meant that Cole had changed his mind regarding his previous sentimemts about no longer wanting to be my friend.

I'd missed him. I'd missed his scent of citrus and tobacco. The way his smile made my heart rate increase. The way my name rolled effortlessly of his tongue.

"Nina." The gruff voice floated through the silence of the vehicle and my eyes snapped over to him, in the same way his blue eyes shifted ocassionally from me to the road. "You haven't said a word since I got here. Is everything okay?"

I couldn't help but smile at his sincere tone. "Everything is fine. I'm just a little confused that's all."

"I figured you would be." The van took a steep right turn before we halted to a stop in front of what seemed to be an empty acrage of grass. "Remember when you agreed to me taking you someplace?"


"Well, this is it."  Colson leaned on the staring wheel, the bouquet of flowers shuffling in his lap.

"I thought after dinner and everything that happened that this was all off the table?" I stared at the boy still in confusion but he only smiled at me as usual, his eyes never failing to run over my entire stature.

"You look stunning in that dress."

"Colson." Though I thoroughly enjoyed the flattery, I was certain I wasn't the only one that needed clarity.

The boy sighed, reaching in the pockets of the black, denim jacket he wore to retrieve a cigar. He lit it slowly before taking a small pull and blowing it through the window on his side.

Usually I would insists that he put it away but I could tell he needed this.

"When I was seven years old, I met my Grandma for the first time. I heard stories about how great she was growing up so when I met her it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. She was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met, both inside and out."

I nodded in agreement. She was beautiful.

"I loved visiting her. She would always give me candy and let me watch Rock concerts on her TV. " Colson smiled in nostalgia. "At that time, I lived with my Mom and my Step dad. His name was Luthur. My real dad at the time had other things he cared about and I was never apart of that mold."

The boy shrugged and I couldn't help leaning closer to him to gently run my hand up and down his arm. He was sharing aspects of his past which couldn't have been easy to do.

He took another small pull, cheeks sinking in. His eyes stood low and I briefly missed his sweet smile.

"Luther was all I knew. He loved Mom so much. Sometimes I would come home from school and feel the love radiating off the both of them in the air. At that point I knew that feeling was something I'd want for myself in the future. Happiness. You know?"

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