Darn Beautiful

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I love that sooong plus it fits so well here. Oooh and MEGAN FOX?! Omahgahd 😢 I love Love.

Before now, I wouldn't actually say that I was a fan of the colour blue but when it was swirled with tinges of green and gold; indented in the face of an incredibly  gorgeous human, it was admittedly one of my most favourite things.

Colson leant back on his arms, smiling boyishly as usual, his eyes pointedly staring in mine, shifting momentarily to glaze over my stature.

We sat on the patch of concrete at the back of the old house across from Ms. Edna where we first met, the air a tad bleak since the sky was overcast.

His toned arms were on display, the black muscle shirt he wore making his tattoos seem brighter in contrast to the day. My eyes ran over them, trying to committ each piece of inked skin to memory.

“You're here.” He spoke up after the extended period of silence. Of me studying him, and him me.

“I am.” Picking at the edge of the yellow sundress I wore, I tried to hide a smile.

“I brought Pizza.” My eyes casted to the box he had laid on his lap, the name of a local pizza joint printed on it.

“No pineapple?” My lips pulled into a smirk and I watched him playfully roll his eyes.

“No pineapple.  Even though I still can't believe you don't like it. Pineapple on pizza has to be the most heavenly thing on earth.”

I brought my knees up to my chin, my white converses scraping against the concrete. “Yes. I know. You texted me about that all day.”

It had been two days since I gave Colson my phone number, we had talked all day about the fact that I wasn't a fan of pineapple on pizza and him expressing how difficult it would be to be friends with me now.

I'd flushed at the fact that he'd actually wanted to be friends with me. I'd rarely had any of those. I'd never had a boy who'd actually willingly want to be around me.

Sherry complained about me being distracted again the following day when I'd drift off, thinking about the  thousand rounds of 8 ball pool we'd played and the messages of him asking me a tonne of questions about school and my experiences.

I barely slept.

But I was okay with it.

Dinner the following night consisted of us sharing our favourite memes and him sending me all his favourite songs on his playlist.
Mom and dad eyed me suspiciously when I poked my ear buds in during desert.

“I'm now forced to eat pineapple-less pizza.” Colson tore open the box, tearing a oily square from the box and shoving it in between his lips, a small moan ensuing.

“Oh you'll live.” I proceeded to grab a piece as well, impressed that it was still slightly warm.

We fell into a peaceful silence thereafter, only sounds of chomping filling the air behind the old house.

“You know. I've known of you all off ten days and I felt like I've known you longer." leant back on my arms like the boy was, eyes falling to his greasy mouth and chin spattered with wildly growing facial hairs. "I'm suspiciously too comfortable in your presence."

He chuckled, his head flinging back into the most majestic sight. Eyes crinkled, blonde hair bouncing in the wind and imperfectly- perfect teeth on full display. “You know that's crazy because I suspiciously feel the exact same way too.”


“Yeah.” He nodded, sincerity pooling in his eyes and I relaxed.

“Do you live permanently in Braddock now?” I referred to the small town I lived in.

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