Radio Silence

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I'm sorry Nina. I don't think I can be your friend any longer.

I stared at the words breathless, thinking maybe I had somehow imagined them across the screen.

My mind had a way of doing that sometimes --playing tricks on me, however, I don't think that was the case this time.

The words were actually there. They were real. And to say my heart was slowly cracking would be an understatement.

I've never been dumped before and though Cole was not my boyfriend, it truly felt like this was what it was. And it hurt like hell.

I suddenly understood why the pretty girls locked themselves in the toilet and cried uncontrollably. Runny mascara, puffy eyes and red noses all of a sudden didn't seem that absurd to me anymore. It suddenly made sense, because all I wanted to do was bawl my eyeballs out.

Or was I being overdramatic?

Maybe a tad bit.

Snapping out of my daze, I proceeded to call the boy on FaceTime. I did owe him a proper apology, my parents did too but seeing as that would not happen anytime soon, I would try my best to smoothen things out.

I watched as the phone rang a bit longer than I was accustomed to. Until it wasn't anymore.

Still encouraged, I attempted to phone Colson again, but I was face to face with the same realization. He was mad and as a result, I was being properly ignored.

Truthfully, it was completely warranted but that doesn't mean it wasn't still very hurtful.

In defeat, I pulled up the boy's contact, one last time.

Wild Boy😍

I'm sorry Nina. I don't think I can be your friend any longer.
Sent 11:01pm

I understand.
Sent 11:48 pm

I really am sorry Colson. I really wish things would've gone another way.
Sent 11:50 pm

Given that my messages went unread even two hours later. I accepted that the wonderful dynamic Cole and I had developed was over, maybe as quickly as it had begun.


Yvonne was sitting across from me. Not on a phone or a computer screen but in person. She was sitting with one of her legs folded underneath her and the other barely touching the floor. The Hispanic girl was tanned a beautiful bronze and had appeared to look even more athletic than she was the last time I saw her.

Hiking for a month in Australia had that effect.

We were seated in the ice cream parlor, chocolate sundaes perched in front of us in their creamy, chocolatey, delicious glory.

"Well, did you try going to his house and knocking on his door like a sane human?" She did her signiture neck roll before plunging her spoon into the bowl.

"I did once. Lucy answered the door and told me he wasn't home. I figured he needs his space anyway." It had been almost two days since Colson expressed his desire to no longer be my friend.

It had almost seemed like he had wiped off the earth. I hadn't seen him since and there had been complete radio silence on his end of the phone.

"Right. I would be a little bit shattered too if the parents of the love of my lofe told me I couldn't be with them unless the colour of my skin magically changed." She stuck a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth, a small shrug bouncing of her shoulders.

"Vonne." I pursed my lips at the petite girl and her insistent insinuation that Cole was 'madly in love with me.'

She rose her eyebrowas at me knowingly before shrugging it off. And what about your parents?"

"What about them? They've literally been acting like nothing happened. They don't even care that I've been trying to ignore them."

"And Sherry?"

"She only passes me looks of sympathy once in a while. Other than that, she's the same ole' grumpy lady."

"Well I'm sorry you have to live through this mess. Come on, eat." Yvonne gave me a small smile which instantly made me feel a bit better.

Though it had only been a few days without Cole, it felt like a part of me had gone missing. Our days were usually filled with routine texts, FaceTime calls, constructing songs and the sweetest hugs. I was sad to say the least, though I hid it well, I was very perturbed by the way things ended and wished I could of somehow prevented the whole shebang.

I had taken my first bite of my melted Sundae when Yvonne pointed to the entrance of the parlor where my sister stood dressed in jeans and boots.

'what is she doing here.' I had mouthed to Yvonne before she got any closer. She shrugged still scarfing down her Sundae.

Sherry strutted over, her hands snuggly in her hoodie pockets and a smirk on her lips. "Hello little sister and friend. I'm taking you out."


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What's your birth sign? I'm a Pisces💜

Thank you💜 Next Chapter will be promising.

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