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Lucy had become incessant on me coming over from time to time. So, as expected, Colson and I were forced to perform some of his songs as entertainment for her, me playing Cole's keyboard as she filmed us on her phone, her flash effectively blinding us, but her excitement completely worth it.

Colson hated it, the bright lights being momentarily pushed into his eyeballs but I could tell he especially appreciated being able to toll his guitar and bellow sweetly, the words he wrote. This was evident by the steady rock of his shoulders as he played, the nod of his head that caused his blond tendrils to fall into his eyes, the way the edge of his lips tuned up, trying almost failingly to prevent a grin from spreading over his entire face.

I could tell since my eyes were glued to him the entire time.

"I feel like I'm at a sold out concert every time! Seriously guys, you need to create a band name, my instagram is going to love this!"

She fawned, shoving her phone into her pocket before giving each of us a hug.

"Nina and I would have to think about that Aunt Luce." They grinned, identically at each other before both their eyes casted to me still seated on the bench infront of the keyboard. "Right Nina? "

"Right. Or Lucy can just give us her ideas as well." At the prospect of her being able to give our imaginary band a name she screamed. Literally screamed, so loud that Colson had to hold his ears from the unnatural decibel.

She pointed at me playfully causing me to grin at how child like she was." You're the best! I'm gonna go make a list now. Stay for dinner if you want."

"Speaking of dinner, " the boy turned fully to me at the sound of my voice, pushing his guitar behind his back and stretching his legs out so his feet touched mine slightly, "my parents and my sister sort of want to meet you."

His eyebrows rose in question before his cheeks lightened. "Yeah?"

I nodded thinking back to the events of the prior evening.

My parents veered at me as if waiting for me to unravel some deep, dark secret while Sherry smirked, momentarily taking a sip from her wine glass.

"He is not my boyfriend. "

"Not from what I saw."

"Sherry Anne what did you see?" My mothers inquisitiveness was on a next level.

"They were being all lovely dovey on the sidewalk earlier today plus she's always at his house. "


I proceeded to hide my face in my hands as both my parents spoke simultaneously.

"In the streets Nina you know better! "

"Where does he live? "

"Ms. Edna. I think she was his grandmother or something, he came here after the funeral . "

"That's a little over a month ago. Nina! "

"He better not be distracting you from your studies! "

"We have to meet him. "

The dinner continued with them asking questions I refused to answer and them completely ignoring that Colson wasn't my boyfriend.

Things only got worse however when Sherry let it slip that he had tattoos.

"I'd love to meet them. When? " Colson towered over me, taking my hand and pulling me into his room which was plain with only a bed centered and a few of his bags on the boarded floors.

I took a seat on his bed as he move to his open window where he retrieved a half smoken cigar. "Sometime next week. I will let you know once its confirmed. " I folded my legs adding a disclaimer. "They hate tattoos though so no short sleeves."

The boy laughed at my last instruction, shagging his already messy hair. "What adult doesn't? "

"Also, they think you're my boyfriend, so don't freak out if they mention it. " I rushed to get everything out, refusing to make eye contact. I was however forced to look at the boy as he burst out into a magestic laugh.

His head fell back as he chortled, the sunlight striking his every feature and God was he gorgeous.

Once he'd gathered himself, he'd looked over at me with a wide grin. "I wouldn't even freak out if you didn't tell me. "

I held my burning cheeks, having just been laughed at. "They're very peculiar I thought I'd let you know. "

"My Aunt's peculiar but you like her. I'm sure I''ll love my in laws." He chuckled enthused by his own taunting.

I rolled my eyes though content he'd know what to expect from my crazy family.

Colson took a lighter from his pocket, lighting the cigar. I instinctively rose from my seated position, gently taking it from his fingers and putting it between my lips.

He grabbed it hurriedly as expected, crushing it and throwing it through said window. "Ninnaa." Colson groaned, causing my heart to swoon in my chest. "Stop playing with me. " The base increased in his tone maybe to replicate intimidation but I was only delighted at the change.

I grinned having achieved my goal. "If you can do it, why can't I? "

His eyes moved into slits, glaring at me and if I didn't find it so attractive I might have flinched at the sudden change. However, it went as quickly as it came. "I'm not playing this mind game with you again Nina. I can, you can't and that's it." He chuckled instead, a heavenly sound, poking me in the nose as he spoke.

It was routine for me to use reverse psychology to magically get him to stop smoking.

It worked when I was around.

"I could if I wanted to but I love my lungs."

"Hey, my lungs are in perfect condition. I never get tired. " He winked at me, taking both my hands in his.

I tried to ignore the meaning behind his words but ended up blushing like a manic.

"So you haven't told me where you're taking me."

"About that, I can't. "

"And why is that?"

"I want it to be a surprise. "

"I'm not a fan of surprises."

"Please Nina. Let your boyfriend do this one thing. " I rolled my eyes at his teasing.


"Ninaa please, I promise it'll be worth it. " He forced my eyes on his, pulling me closer to him, smiling sweetly at me.

It was obvious he knew my weakness and was taking advantage.

I sighed in defeat. " Okay. "

Colson pulled me into a hug. The one where his head fell into my neck but this time I could feel the coldness of his lips there and him subtly sniffing me.

I hugged him back, pleased that this had become part of our routine. Hugging was something we did naturally now. Something we thoroughly enjoyed doing.

As we stood in that position for what felt like minutes, my fingers absentmindedly began running through the soft, golden locks at the back of his head. He sighed in content, slightly adjusting his head in my neck, seemingly withholding a groan.

"That feels so good. Keep doing it. "

I had no clue what I was doing. But I complied.

"Yeah? "

"Yeah. "

We fell more comfortably into the embrace, me getting lost in his hair and his scent. Him tightening his arms around my waist and letting out small sounds of bliss as my fingers moved.

Maybe it wasn't so bad that my parents thought he was my boyfriend?

😢 I should've updated yesterday but I forgot.

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