Chapter 4

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"Till next time.." I whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

It took a lot of personal restraint to walk away from this man but I knew in the long run it would be better for me. I ordered an Uber and didn't have to wait long for it to arrive. As I sat in the back of the car, the silence seemed to be deafening. I longed to know how it felt to feel Brian wrapped around me. To my feel his arms hold me securely, to feel his warm mouth on my neck and to feel as close as physically possible. My mind was driving me crazy on all the possible scenarios that I knew would have played out tonight. I cursed myself when I realised I hadn't taken his number and hadn't given him mine. In the back of my mind I realised that this probably meant I would never see him again. Maybe this was a good thing, I could tell he was dangerous. Tell he was someone I could find myself falling heavily for without ever receiving any emotions back from.

I sighed aloud and closed my eyes. Imagining the feel of his lips on mine once again and how hot his skin felt next to mine.

Before I knew it, the Uber was pulling into my house and I got out. I stumbled into my home and climbed into bed; not even bothering to clean off my make up or do anything else. I fell into a deep asleep that involved dark eyes and hushed whispers.

—— the next day ——

My alarm went off and I groaned, rolling over to shut it off. I couldn't be bothered to get up for work but knew that I couldn't put it off any longer without being late. I flung my legs out of bed and sat upright, stretching my arms above my head.

The nights antics before played in my mind and I was already regretting ending things with the dark haired man I had met the night before. Regret didn't even cover it, I could still smell him on my skin and feel the heat of his hands on mine.

I tried to shake it from my mind as I got dressed and tried to make myself look presentable for work. I checked the time and hurried out the front door, not having time to make breakfast.

Work continued in the usual fashion once I had arrived. Nothing of interest to really report other than my friend Beth asking me what had happened between me and the man she saw me left the bar with. She looked as disappointed as I felt when I told her nothing had happened and we both resumed our work with little to comment on from last nights antics.

No matter how hard I immersed myself in worth though, I couldn't help my mind drifting off and thinking of that husky, deep voice whispering in my ear.. those eyes staring into mine, those surprisingly soft lips pressed against mine whilst his beard rubbed against my face in such a delicious way..

"Georgia?" I heard someone call me name, snapping me out of my day dream.

I looked up and saw one of my colleagues addressed me.

"There's someone down in reception asking for you" he said, smiling at me.

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