Chapter 5

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There's someone down in reception asking for you" he said, smiling at me.

I looked quizzically but stood up and made my way down to the reception area.

As I entered the room, I clocked the tall back of a man wearing a checkered red shirt and backwards baseball cap. He must have heard me because he turned and gave me a small smile.

"And just how did you track me down?" I laughed, trying to hide how much I was secretly feeling excited.

Brian laughed and shrugged his broad shoulders, giving me a goofy grin.

"I don't know whether I should be impressed or creeped out that you've managed to find me" I said, giving him a smirk.

"I have my ways.." he replied, looking like he was struggling on what to say next. "Look... I feel bad with how things ended last time and I haven't even able to get you out my head".

His cheeks flushed slightly as he said this, as if he wasn't quite used to revealing his feelings to people.

The effect it had on me made me soften towards him and I took a step closer to him. Once again, I noticed the creamy darkness of his big, sorrowful eyes and the long, dark lashes that lined them.

"If I recall... you said you didn't do the whole romance thing". My words hung in the air and I watched as the man in front of me thought on how best to reply.

"I know but given how you left me high and dry in my own home made me reconsider a few things", he replied with a boyish smile. "Give me one chance to prove to you that I'm not a compete ass who has no emotions" he said, his face becoming sincere.

Despite what my common sense was telling me, there was something drawing me back to him once again. No matter how much I tried to resist, I couldn't deny how much I was attracted to this guy.

"Ok fine, you plan the date and text me the details" I said, reaching for his phone and typing my number in.

"It will be my pleasure", he said, his eyes lighting up and a smile stretching across his face.

He took a step closer to me so I had to look up at him. He stood for a second, looking intently at me before leaning down and brushing his lips across mine so softly that I could have imagined it.

"You won't regret this" he whispered into my ear, his voice making the hairs on my neck stand up.

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