Chapter 8

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The name 'Sal' flashed up on the screen, diverting Brian's attention away from me.

"I better take this" he said quickly, standing up and walking to the exit and finding a way to the quiet away from the loud music.

I sighed at the disruption and looked down at my hands. In my nervous state I realised I had been clenching my hands in anticipation of kissing Brian. I relaxed my hands and looked at my empty glass. Well, if he was going to wonder off, I may as well enjoy myself. I stood up and walked to the bar, ready to order myself a new drink and ease my anxiety. As I stood waiting for my drink, a guy I didn't know came up to me and started talking to me. I had no interest but I was bored and I'd been left alone so I chatted back, distracted and my mind firmly on the man I was supposed to be with. I was chatting and laughing when I felt an arm wrap itself around my waist.

"Ok moustache, you can go now", Brian said, sounding angry.

The guy I had been talking to raised his eyebrow before turning and walking away.

"You didn't have to be so rude, you know? He was keeping me company whilst you so ungraciously left me by myself". I said, looking at him furiously.

"Well I can't help getting jealous seeing some guy chat you up at the bar". He retorted, sounding equally as pissed off.

We both stood at the bar, glaring at each other and not saying anything. The music continued blaring around us before I noticed Brian's face soften.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to leave you alone.. it's just my buddy Sal was stuck and needed me". He mumbled, taking hold of my hand as he said this.

I looked at the sincerity of his face, feeling my resolve melt after looking into those brown eyes. He must have noticed because he pulled me closer to him. I could feel the heat of his body against mine, smell his aftershave that made me want to tear his clothes off.

"Should we continue our game...?" He said, his question hanging in the air.

I considered this before nodding in response, our hands still linked, and pulled him towards the booth we were sat in before the disruption. This time however Brian sat next to me in the booth. He let go off my hand but replaced it on my thigh.

"So.. who's go is it?" He asked, sounding innocent but squeezing my thigh as he asked.

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