07 - LIPS

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"Your place is the bleachers?" Poppy says not entirely impressed

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"Your place is the bleachers?" Poppy says not entirely impressed. 

"Nobody goes here," Nathan promises. 

"Yeah it's just a cliché." 

"Are you saying you are above clichés?" 

"I sure use to be." 

"And now?"

"There's some guy taking me to the bleachers to make out." 

"I don't see how that's so bad." 

"Shut up and kiss me or I'm walking." 

"Yes ma'am," Nathan responds leaning down to kiss Poppy gently. Poppy puts her arms around Nathan's neck to intensify the kiss shared among them. Poppy ears then picked up on noise happening in the distance and broke up the kiss with Nathan. 

"Someone is coming over here," Poppy pointed out, "so stay quiet." Nathan decided to be smart and stay still in his place. Two people were above them on the bleachers having a conversation unbeknown to them of the couple who were beneath them listening in on them. 

"So I had confirmed it with coach," one of the guys said in a matter-of-fact tone, "as soon as everyone gets there coach will forfeit the game."

"Are you sure its going to go as smoothly as that? It's a charity game." 

"What other choice do we have?" 

"Holy shit," Poppy whispered. One of the boys looked down through the gaps in the bleachers and saw a glimpse of her but not as much as he could of as she kicks herself into high gear and starts running. Nathan was ahead of her but stuck somewhat close to her as they head somewhere else. They start to slow as they entered the school and was very much out of breath.  

"I though at worst we were interrupting a drug deal. Do you have evil masterminds in this school?" 

"I guess so," Nathan responds, "it was Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski I can't put an accurate read on them. But they do have hot friends like Malia Tate." Poppy gives a light punch to Nathan's shoulder. 

"You kiss me but then think about other girls?" 

"Only a little bit." 

"I guess I have to let my dad know." 

"What that I think about other girls?" 

"No dumbass about the lacrosse forfeit. He's the coach they were talking about." 

"What are you going to get him to do." 

"Get him to not forfeit a charity game, shouldn't be that hard, right?" 


"Hey dad," Poppy greeted gently entering the office, "are you busy?" 

"No it's movie day for my classes." 

"Independence day." Poppy knew only a few determined facts about her father and his favourite movie was well known to strangers let alone her knowledge of it. 

"What can I do for my favourite daughter." 

"Your only daughter unless there's something you have to tell me," Poppy joked. 

"Let's say that a run in the cold prevented that from happening." 

"Gross," Poppy sat down across from her father, "anyway I just wanted to let you know that I am very pumped for the lacrosse game this week. But rumours have been flying around that you might forfeit the game." 

"I can neither confirm nor deny it would probably be unethical to confirm it before the game is suppose to begin." 

"So you admit its true?" 

"Well yes, my lacrosse students have let me know that they need me to cancel a game. They don't want cancer solves, I don't know." 

"But you can't let some kids dictate your decisions especially if its unethical." 

"Why are you so concerned about this? You said you were against participating in any physical activity." 

"That's not what I said you implied that and I just want to see my dad in action on the field. I haven't ever seen a game you conducted ever. I was just hoping that I could see my dad being a coach and in your natural habitat."

Coach huffed in response mulling the very pathos argument his daughter brought to him. 

"Alright anything for you pumpkin. I mean I have never forfeited a game before why should this game be any different." 

"I am very proud of you," Poppy smiled giving her dad a pat on the shoulder, "I'll see you. Have fun with your movie." 

"You know I will," coach responds as Poppy closes the door behind her. Before contemplating what to do next in the lunch break Poppy is pulled away from the door and towards the person grabbing her hand. 

"Poppy you have to see this." It was Lily in a very concerned tone pulling her hand to the board outside the principals office of notices. The by far largest and seemingly more pressing notice that students were gazing upon was a police bulletin on the new curfew implemented as soon as after school and school activities ended. 

"This is such bull," one student complained, "my freedom keeps on getting up from the authority. I just want to be a normal teenager." Poppy heard murmurs of agreement along with some gaps and worries being whispered above it all. Poppy went with the worried group since the idea of a police maintained curfews to be foreign to her. 

"How long will this go on for?" 

"Until whatever is causing the curfew is killed." The word killed rang in Poppy's ears not only the word but tone used by Lily as a matter-of-fact statement accepted by the group she stood in. 

But Poppy felt safe by the police, they would take care of it while Poppy would just sit safely at school and home. She couldn't be hurt while a system took care of the risk factors right?


Oof sorry for the white privilege about the police lol. 

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