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"Dad?" Poppy croaked

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"Dad?" Poppy croaked. The weight of the cheaply made hospital bed was felt by her back. Her father responded to her croak and got up closer to her in concern. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah peachy," Poppy retorted sarcastically. 

"You know what I mean. Your boyfriend is in the hallway and for some reason Greenberg is as well. I'll go get them." 

"Wait dad," Poppy interjected grabbing his hand to stop him, "don't make 'Greenberg' feel uncomfortable okay? I did not save him in order to get wrecked by my dad." 

"Okay, for you I'll restrain myself." 

"Why do you hate him anyway?" 

"Hate is a strong word, I dislike him because he doesn't apply himself and I just wanted someone to get a reaction out of so he could try. Also I can't like everyone in the world so I put it all into Greenberg - okay so that might seem like hatred."

Poppy chuckled in pity of her father, "just keep it internalized." 

"Again, only for you." Her father then left the room and Poppy was now feeling the strain of pain around her abdomen as well as pain on the bottom of her chin. Maybe the scratch there was bigger than she initially thought. Her father quickly entered the room with three other people in tow. Lily, Nathan, and Reese. They migrated towards her bed concern and relief swirled around their eyes. 

"You guys look like hot pieces of ass," Poppy slurred she looked to her side and saw a drip IV attached to her. The pain killers had kicked in. 

"How are you feeling?" Reese asked. Poppy responded with a thumbs up not trusting herself to speak without going through a path of bumbling. Lily stepped closer to Poppy and intertwined her fingers through Poppy's hair. 

"You're a hero," Lily stated. Poppy couldn't help but blush at the attention she grabbed from the room. 

"Were you guys here all night?" 

"Of course Pops," Nathan responded softly. 

 "Thanks, I don't think anybody else would have done that for me," Poppy admitted. 

"Well if you think we are anybody else you are sorely mistaken," Reese replied. Poppy smiled through sleep had crept on her as the painkillers kicked in through her bloodstream at a much more higher concentration. 

"Love you guys," Poppy muttered tiredly, "we should go swimming or something less stressful than hiding for our lives. I like swimming." Poppy had drifted off to sleep. Her dad took over the situation and lead the kids out of the room to leave Poppy alone. 


Poppy gasped awake only hurting herself in the process. Detaching herself from her nightmare hurt her weakened body. 

"Fuck," Poppy moaned in pain.  

"Yeah sounds about right," a voice that Poppy doesn't recognize is heard. 

"Did I go to hell?" Poppy asked still riddled with sleep. 

"If you consider a hospital to be hell then yeah you made it kid. I'm your nurse also known as your demon Melissa McCall here to check your vitals and do a blood sample." 

"I guess blood samples are better than getting scratched by a hypervigilant monster." 

"You'd think people would agree with that," Melissa muttered as she prepared the needle. Poppy tolerated the needle but still felt overwhelmed from her nightmare that graced her just minutes ago. Tears prickled her eyes but Poppy would not let them fall down her face. 

"You're going to be okay honey," Melissa reassured her, "a few bumps in the road but once you get over them with support you'll be unstoppable." Poppy nodded in response. Once the nurse had left Poppy let the tears roll, she allowed herself to. Her life had just made itself much more complicated. 

It took a couple of weeks of physical therapy as well as sitting in front of the television dictating the shows her father would now have to watch. Which including Gilmore Girls and the twilight movie saga over and over again. 

"I still don't get the relationship between the baby and Jacob." 

"I don't think anybody does truly," Poppy responds with a pint of cookie dough ice cream on her lap. As the movie rolled credits her father turned off the television much to Poppy's dismay. 


"It's school tomorrow, for both of us."


At school the next day Poppy ran happily to Nathan before realizing her wound was still prevalent and that school wouldn't prevent it from happening. 

"Woah slow down Poppy seed, you still look hot but you're also hurt." 

"Yeah I can tell, dumbass." 

"I can tell a hospital visit made you cranky." 

"Not cranky just became a cool warrior while I wasn't at school." 

"Will I see that warrior at work?" 

"If you're nice enough." 

"Poppy!" Poppy looked beside her to see Lily running towards her and giving Poppy a big hug. Poppy winced in the pain and Lily stepped back. 

"Sorry," Poppy gushed. 

"No problem babe, I'm just glad to be back." Poppy wrapped her arm around Lily's shoulder and saw Reese coming to greet her with a smile plastered on her face. She was with her friends, her support system and with it she was going to be a survivor of what had happened. As her wounds heal on the outside it will heal on the inside as well. 


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