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It was lunchtime when Poppy got the chance to talk to Greenberg again

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It was lunchtime when Poppy got the chance to talk to Greenberg again. The cheesy but intriguing boy from earlier. The two sat segregated from the rest of the school population eating their lunch. 

"So Greenberg I know your last name but I hate being formal. What's your first name." The boy swallows his voice closing up. Poppy assumes it's just him being shy before Greenberg grabs his throat gasping for breath. Poppy springs up to his rescue realizing its an allergic reaction. 

"Epipen," Greenberg croaks motioning to his bag. Poppy rustles through his bag to find the lifesaver in her grasp. Poppy pulls it out doing the motions to get the needle into Greenberg's thigh. He let out a gasp his throat opening up and letting the oxygen back into his system. Poppy lets out a breath of relief. It was then that Poppy noticed the lack of spectators and the lack of concern. It was heartbreaking to Poppy but Greenberg didn't seem to have the same reaction just focusing on her being with him. 

"We need to get you to a hospital," Poppy stated getting him up and letting him lean on her him feeling dizzy from the lack of air to his brain. 

"I can take you to the office, sign out and call someone."

"No," Greenberg interjects surprising Poppy enough to flinch, "I mean I'll sign out but I don't have anyone to call to take me anywhere." 

"Well you're definitely not driving. Come on I'll drive you. Do you have a car?"

"Yeah in the student parking lot." 

"Okay." Poppy walked to his car buckling Greenberg into the passenger seat though to his protest. 

"I'm not dying to epipen worked." 

"I know but screw me for being helpful." Poppy got over to the driving side of the car and put the keys into ignition though her mind drew a blank as to the next step. 

"So I adjust the mirrors, check my blind spots-" 

"Do you not know how to drive?" 

"I do," Poppy retorts, "just not 100% there yet." Poppy then takes a deep breath that calms the nerves of going behind a car at the driving wheel. She neglected to tell Greenberg that she dropped out of driving school after she got into a car crash with her instructor leading to bruises on her shoulder and a scar on her stomach all due fortunately to the seat belt she was wearing. 

Poppy moved frustratingly slowly into the street causing a traffic jam behind her with plenty of angry drivers. Poppy's hands were whitened by the intense pressure she put on the wheel. Greenberg put his hands over Poppy's. 

"Here you helped me let me help you," he states, "put some more pressure on the gas."

"Alright," Poppy follows the instructions going a bit faster making the cars behind her happier. 

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